Best Buds (pic overload)

Brew is ridiculous. We were sitting outside together earlier but then we came in after about 20-30 minutes and I made myself lunch, etc. Well, I thought he’d want some more time outside since it’s sunny and nice out so I brought the long line back out and looped it around a deck post and brought him back out and I came back in.* Well, about 30 seconds to 1 minute later, he is at my door wanting to come in already. 🙄 little spoiled baby did NOT want to be outside alone I guess or else he was cold or something? IDK. But yeah. 🙄🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣

*I can see him through my door and he was safe out there and couldn’t get into any trouble or else I wouldn’t have plus it was going to be for a very short period anyway even before his stunt.
Brew is ridiculous. We were sitting outside together earlier but then we came in after about 20-30 minutes and I made myself lunch, etc. Well, I thought he’d want some more time outside since it’s sunny and nice out so I brought the long line back out and looped it around a deck post and brought him back out and I came back in.* Well, about 30 seconds to 1 minute later, he is at my door wanting to come in already. 🙄 little spoiled baby did NOT want to be outside alone I guess or else he was cold or something? IDK. But yeah. 🙄🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣

*I can see him through my door and he was safe out there and couldn’t get into any trouble or else I wouldn’t have plus it was going to be for a very short period anyway even before his stunt.
our dog is the same way, she barks to be let out, and then you let her out and shes looking at you through the door like, you're not coming out? Then can I come in?🤣
Found the CUTEST vest for Brew at Petco but I didn’t bring my purse in because I thought we were only going to Michael’s (went with the clubhouse) so I can’t get it 😭😭😭 it’s okay though, I might come back sometime. Plus he doesn’t really NEED it LOL but it was only $17 too (well $16.99 LOL). I thought it would be like $30 but it was reasonable. I NEED it. 😭🤣

I forgot to say but I found it online on sale and ordered it yesterday hahahah I actually ordered two cause I wasn’t sure what size would fit him so yeah.

He’s gonna look so handsomeeeeeeee. It’s reversible too so I can make it solid blue if I want LOL


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