Best Chicken Breeds to Breed for Selling?

Deathlayers are pretty cool and can be hard to find, plus they have a cool name!
I have never heard of those! Definitely looking into that. I really want to have some focus on more rare/endangered breeds, so that might be up my alley!

I would do Ayam Cemani but I feel like so many people are breeding them now that I don't see much point. There are people around here selling them and it seems like no one is buying. I might dabble in them, but I don't think they will be a focus breed.
My husband's grandpa is a world known game chicken breeder. He breeds fighting roosters and they sell for at least $1000/bird. He is well known because back when cock fighting was legal, he was America's best cock fighter.
I have seen things about the Rhode Island, Plymouth Rock, Orpington, and Wyandottes. I currently have Buckeyes, Black Copper Marans, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Speckled Sussex, Golden Sexlink, Buff Orpingtons, Lavender Wyandottes, and White Sport Legbars.
I'd like to know this persons name but I suggest you dont put that information out on the net.
As for as the original question, whatever you decide, in my opinion just pick one or two and work on quality breeders and getting your name out there for quality birds. The best breeders never seemed to have more than a couple and most just one.
Kinda. While feathers add a layer, they also insulate against heat too. Naked necks are prone to sunburns because they don't have any feathers hiding that delicate skin


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