Best filler material for nesting/egg boxes


Cover them/close them (the nest boxes) before they go to bed at night, and open them up early in the am for egg laying.

You can fill them with something like boxes or anything just so that they can't get in.

Make a nice big fat roost - long enough for all of them, and with a fat/wide enough board that they can cover their feet when they squat down on it to sleep - put them UP on the roost at night time if they don't get on up their - for the first few days.

Here is a pic which shows the bottom "step up" for my roost

My roost is only about 4 feet off the ground, they can actually FLY up to it.
Love the idea of covering at night. We have 4 nest boxes and 3 of our chickens sleep and poop in one. Thank you

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