You will spend thousands more dollars, and at least a decade of time breeding ANY hatchery birds anywhere close to the Standard. Take the money to travel to a show and buy from a breeder. Heck go to the Ohio National this fall, if you can't find it there, it probably doesn't exist in quality.
If you are absolutely dead set on having to have birds right this second, and don't care about throwing away time and money, Cackle offers a few breeds they claim are from exhibition stock Buff Orpington, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Rhode Island Red that can be found on their rare breed page. They also got Dominique stock from Mark Fields in both sizes so those may be ok.
The APA messed with a flock certification program that was supposed to be an incentive for hatcheries to care about quality, it seems to have floundered. Good Shepard Farms are a part of that in their breeds. Murray McMurray had but did not maintain certification in five breeds (Buff, Partridge and Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock, White Polish, and White Langshans), the last one of these that I am aware of is Greenfire Farms did at one point have their Light Sussex Flock certified.
If you are absolutely dead set on having to have birds right this second, and don't care about throwing away time and money, Cackle offers a few breeds they claim are from exhibition stock Buff Orpington, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Rhode Island Red that can be found on their rare breed page. They also got Dominique stock from Mark Fields in both sizes so those may be ok.
The APA messed with a flock certification program that was supposed to be an incentive for hatcheries to care about quality, it seems to have floundered. Good Shepard Farms are a part of that in their breeds. Murray McMurray had but did not maintain certification in five breeds (Buff, Partridge and Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock, White Polish, and White Langshans), the last one of these that I am aware of is Greenfire Farms did at one point have their Light Sussex Flock certified.