Best hatchery for SOP birds?

Not a big commercial hatchery, but a smaller private one is Papas Poultry. He has actual English orpingtons that are just gorgeous and far better than any commercial hatchery orpingtons I have had (I have orpingtons from 4 different hatcheries not including Papas). The difference between my papas poultry birds and my orpingtons from other hatcheries is night and day difference. He has a website and also has Marans and a few other breeds too. Again smaller, but high quality birds. I know he breeds to SOP for most of his birds besides his projects, but he specifies that those are projects on the descriptions. He also has a website which makes it pretty easy to order. I believe he is in California and I had no problem getting almost 30 chicks shipped to Iowa.
I've wondered about Papa's for a long time, but I've never heard or read anything about them, other than on his website... thank you for good news.... Because he has Rhodebar chicks and I've wanted some for a while now and they're pretty hard to find, but I've been apprehensive to order from him. So I think I'll give 'em a try come spring. Thanks
I get my birds from Atwood who get their chicks from Ideal Poultry. I’ve had several good quality bantam Brahmas, Japanese, D’Uccles and OEGBs come from them.
***EDITED TO SAY I AM VERY AWARE THAT HATCHERYS DO NOT BREED SOP birds. My question was to find out which hatchery had better stock not which hatchery has SOP stock. I'm aware they are infamous for breeding birds that don't fit the standard. But it also impossible to find certain breeds in my area. Also private breeders are not always perfect either. I haven't been able to find certain breeds in my area at all let alone to the standard. I have to start somewhere, right? So what I'm trying to do is find stock with the least amount of problems to start with. Hope this clear up the confusion.

Curious to hear about everyones experiences with certain hatcheries and the quality of birds they got from them for SOP. Also curious about vitamins vigor. I am In the middle Tennessee area and just ordered from Meyers. It hasn't been great. I've already lost ten of 48 chicks. And have a feeling a few more will pass as well. I would like to attempt to replace the ones I've lost but would like to get decent chicks and ones that are strong.

I would like to know who people have ordered from and how long your chicks traveled to get to you. I believe that Meyers is 7.5 hrs from me, the chicks were in the mail on Monday and I received them Wednesday. The bantam passed shortly after its arrival. I thought it was dead on arrival but it wasn't and I was unsuccessful to save it.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not blaming Meyers. I think maybe something happened in transit. But I'm not sure. They also chose not to put in a heat pack and packaged favorolles (know. For being fragile) and one late hatch bantam in with full size strong chicks. I think that probably played a part as well. Personally I would not have put the bantam in and would have packaged the favorolles in their own compartment. But that's me. I also think hatcheries should feed the chicks before they leave. It would make them stronger for shipping.
Cackle has some exhibition quality chicken varieties.
***EDITED TO SAY I AM VERY AWARE THAT HATCHERYS DO NOT BREED SOP birds. My question was to find out which hatchery had better stock not which hatchery has SOP stock. I'm aware they are infamous for breeding birds that don't fit the standard. But it also impossible to find certain breeds in my area. Also private breeders are not always perfect either. I haven't been able to find certain breeds in my area at all let alone to the standard. I have to start somewhere, right? So what I'm trying to do is find stock with the least amount of problems to start with. Hope this clear up the confusion.

Curious to hear about everyones experiences with certain hatcheries and the quality of birds they got from them for SOP. Also curious about vitamins vigor. I am In the middle Tennessee area and just ordered from Meyers. It hasn't been great. I've already lost ten of 48 chicks. And have a feeling a few more will pass as well. I would like to attempt to replace the ones I've lost but would like to get decent chicks and ones that are strong.

I would like to know who people have ordered from and how long your chicks traveled to get to you. I believe that Meyers is 7.5 hrs from me, the chicks were in the mail on Monday and I received them Wednesday. The bantam passed shortly after its arrival. I thought it was dead on arrival but it wasn't and I was unsuccessful to save it.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not blaming Meyers. I think maybe something happened in transit. But I'm not sure. They also chose not to put in a heat pack and packaged favorolles (know. For being fragile) and one late hatch bantam in with full size strong chicks. I think that probably played a part as well. Personally I would not have put the bantam in and would have packaged the favorolles in their own compartment. But that's me. I also think hatcheries should feed the chicks before they leave. It would make them stronger for shipping.
The hatcherys do not breed SOP birds is some what false. You need to do heavy research into the hatchery before buying. Cackle this year showed it's stock and made SOP improvements in some of its breeds. Those you call breeders that you think you are getting SOP chicks from are hatcherys as well. They sell to the public, and alot of them sell in the quantities smaller hatcherys do. Chicks are not SOP. You must grow them out to determine how SOP they are. Unless you are buying a bird or birds that have been shown and won you still have work to do.

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