Best Organic Chick Starter Feed?

My chicks seriously dig their soy and corn free New Country Organics starter, fermented. It ain’t cheap but neither is the food *I* eat ;)

Hi, I don't want to hijack but I'm considering using this feed and fermenting it. I've never fermented feed but this seems to be about the only feed I can find locally with any animal protein and fermenting seems like a good way to prevent them from sifting out what they may think is less tasty, and also I'm hoping the claims of less waste are correct! What is your system? Did you have a batch fermented before the chicks arrived? Any other tips? Should I be paranoid about coccidiosis (I know I shouldn't lol but it's nagging at me)? How long have you been using NCO feeds? Thanks! If none of this is of interest and the OP wants me to start a new thread, just let me know.
What is your system? Did you have a batch fermented before the chicks arrived? Any other tips? Should I be paranoid about coccidiosis (I know I shouldn't lol but it's nagging at me)?
How long have you been using NCO feeds?

I add water until it’s like oatmeal or a bit firmer then let sit for a few days. Use old to inoculate new. Easy easy easy. Yes I had some ready and I provided free dry mash as well for 6 weeks. They mostly are the fermented.

I wasn’t paranoid about coccidiosis. I gave them dirt early on to expose them.

Chicks are now almost 9 weeks and all are doing great. They’re on the grower ration now. They LOVE their fermented NCO!
I like Natures Best starter grower this not Dumor.

I like more Scratch n Peck or Big Sky no corn no soy organic feed better. Depends on what’s available and what you want to spend. I would start them on 20% medicated starter or starter grower organic first then after 8 weeks do nonmedicated to remove risk of coccidiosis. :)
Here in CA our local feed store carries Scratch and Peck Organic starter, and I have raised all my chicks, including the current ones, on it.
I wondered about this starter. Did you use it from the first day? Did you ferment it?
I'm raising my 2nd batch of chicks on Scratch and Peck, and this time around I'm fermenting it. I've found I get the best texture (not too runny) with a 1:1 feed-to-water ratio and fermenting for 3 days. It seems like every day they eat more, so they also get free-fed dry.
I have 5, 4-week old chicks.

They are thriving. Here's what I am doing:

- Good hatchery, from good local feed store
- Feeding cluck and co organic chick crumbles fermented 2-3 days AND dry crumbles to make sure they get enough ( but they don't seem to like it so much) . . . I feed my gals multiple times daily but only worry about free-feeding overnight.
- I started early giving them spring herbs foraged from the yard -- roots and all. They LOVE purple dead nettle, stripping the flowers, leaves, and roots, dirt and all. Great for early grit and immune building.
- As soon as the weather warmed up they began foraging outside. Now sometimes for most of the day with food and water available, about 2-3 days weekly as weather permits
- chlorine-free water, acv, probiotics + electrolytes added (rooster booster)
- offering worms and baby crickets as we find them
- pine bedding, sifting obvious poo 2x daily and adding fresh bedding at breakfast
- deep clean weekly

I am likely doing more than is necessary but I'm excited and have time. *shrug* I think the immune building helps most. This would be the ferment, probiotics, acv, dirt (I even add a bit to their food sometimes), and time outside.

Do your best, have fun, love them girls.

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