Best probiotics ect for small breed hatchlings including silkies?


In the Brooder
Dec 30, 2024
Id like to know what everyone uses probiotic and electrolytes ect for new hatchling, small bird breeds including : silkies,seramas,kikirikis,bantams thanks!
I’ve never used it, but I’ve heard of people using rooster booster. I don’t know if it would be good for hatchlings, however.
So probiotics is just optional ? or necessary? Ill have silkies,kikirikis, seramas, bantams , and then a regular size group but wasn't sure if hatchlings needed anything extra besides feed.
Start w/ good feed, and you don't need to "fix it" with a shelf full of additions.

Not just for your chicks, but also your breeding hens. Good nutrition for your layers means higher viability in hatching eggs. Good management practices too.

Genetics, of course, plays a part - but if you aren't (or can't) actively selecting your best layers, that's not something you can control.

Feed and management, OTOH, is completely w/i your control.

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