Best vs Worst coop bedding?

Oct 30, 2024
Hello!! I'm bored so I made a this thread lol. Share the best vs worst bedding you've used for your chickens!!

The best one I've used is by far the hemp bedding by eaton pet and pasture!! Dust free and helps absorb smells pretty good!
The worst one I used had to be paper hamster bedding, it worked fine, but it broke down very quickly and absorbed things so fast I'd have to replace it at least twice a week! Waste of time and money!

what about you guys?
I like pelletized bedding the most, because it breaks down over time, good odor control, less dust in the building, and it’s absorbent. I lay it down on top of a linoleum layer. If my Seramas make a mess around the 3-gallon waterer, the pellets absorb the water, expand, and start to break down. I just move the waterer, shovel up the wet spot, and add some fresh pellets.
I have used straw on dirt. Specifically, bale of straw, picky side up. The poop falls into the bale where it aids in composting the straw. This adds a little heat to the coop, but not the way a heater would. In the spring we would put it in the compost or directly in the garden.

newspaper gets ripped up by anything larger than a wee chick.

Don't use hay, if it gets moist it will grow mold.

I currently have pellets, which I just got and think they are great. I will continue using it. Some people swear by hemp but I can't get it so can't comment on it.

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