Bielefelder vs Rhodebar


8 Years
Nov 7, 2015
Hi all, I waded through some of the posts on both of these breeds. I’ve got the similarities and differences down by the numbers but was wondering if anyone has both of these breeds and could give me a “real world“ comparison of the two. I‘ve had some Bielefelders in my flock for a few years now and was thinking about adding a few Rhodebars. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Me too. I love my Bielefelders. I have two Roosters and a few hens the roos are by far the best roos I’ve ever had. I was looking at Rhodebars and Hampbars to add to the Flock this year and was interested if there is a big difference between the Rhodebars and Bielefelders. Thanks for the reply.
I'm guessing a Rhodebar is a Rhode Island Red cross? If so, I'd assume they'd lay more eggs than the Bielefelder with the tradeoff of potentially being more aggressive. Hopefully a Rhodebar own can chime in and set the record straight!
I borrowed this from the Chicken Breeds page.
The Rhodebar is a rare British breed developed around 1950. There were apparently several strains developed at that time by a number of breeders, all of whom had the objective of creating an auto-sexing breed that was also an excellent egg layer. Breeds used in the creation of the Rhodebar included primarily Rhode Island Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks and Golden Brussbars, Brussbars themselves being an auto-sexing breed developed from Barred Plymouth Rocks and Brown Sussex. Rhode Island Reds have been used again more recently to improve egg laying ability and type in the breed.
Me too. My Biels are great egg layers. Im just looking to get some diversity a bit but like the autosexing breeds. I also have some Cream Legbars and a few “Welbars”, Bielefelder/Welsummers I bred, I do realize they’re not real Welbars but for lack of a better description.
There’s nobody with both Bielefelders and Rhodebars that could chime in with the experience with both?
I’ve read a few threads on here about the rhodebars, Hampbars and also Bielefelders was just wondering how they compare in actuality. There are a ton of other posters here that know a heck more than I do and was hoping one of them might chime in.

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