BIG NEWS: Official Book Of BYC - Raising Chickens For Dummies

They till the soil all right, right after you plant that crop of beans. They eat
the weeds, along with all the lettuce. And while they eat the tomato worms,
they take a bite out of each tomato.

The book looks great!! I just had a chance to look at it and I think I will need to order one!! Thanks for all your hard work on behalf of chickens and chicken enthusiasts everywhere!!
Loved the parts we got to read, sounds like it will be riot.

question based on statement below:

"If you exhibit birds or buy new ones, they should go through a two week quarantine period before being placed with the rest of the flock."

Is it only really 2 weeks, and we say on BYC 4 weeks just for good measure? Got myself confused now. Guess I better buy the book.

Oh terrielacy another order coming your way...........
This is similar to square ft. / bird recommendations. There are "minimums" and there are "be on the safe side". 2 weeks is the minimum for quarantine, but if you can do 4 weeks, all the better.
BTW, here are some nice bits from the innards of the book:

Kimberly Willis: I would like to dedicate this book to my husband, Steve, who took over the cooking and dishes so I could concentrate on mylatest book.

Rob Ludlow: To the three most important girls in my life — Emily, Alana, and April — who not only support but also contribute to my joy of raising backyard chickens.

Authors’ Acknowledgments
Kimberly Willis: I would like to acknowledge all the help my project editor, Jennifer Connolly, has given me with my fi rst Dummies book as well as acknowledge all the hard work that Christy Pingleton, copy editor, has done on this book. I would also like to acknowledge the fun chicken Web site, which gave me much insight on the concerns new chicken owners have.

Rob Ludlow: Thanks to my brother Michael for getting me started with chickens, and to Mike Baker and Kristin DeMint for their help with the project. Especially huge thanks to the incredibly smart, patient, and helpful staff at, and the thousands of friendly BYC community members.

(bold and red added for emphasis
This is similar to square ft. / bird recommendations. There are "minimums" and there are "be on the safe side". 2 weeks is the minimum for quarantine, but if you can do 4 weeks, all the better.

thanks for clearing that up.

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