Big poop sign of laying?


8 Years
May 15, 2011
NW North Carolina
I have 4 hens that are almost 22 weeks, and 4 that are 18 weeks. No eggs yet, and no squatting, at least that I've seen. Some have red faces. None have fully developed wattles and combs, but they are coming in pretty fast. Someone has started laying ginormous poops, like tangerine size..and in a nesting box of all places!
I'm hoping maybe someone will tell me this is a sign the hen will be laying soon? Or are they just doing it to tease me?
I found one of those in my nesting box this year too. Seriously egg-sized and somewhat disturbing.
Never a dull moment with chickens around.
I wouldn't think so, poop not being a good soon to be laying indicator.
we had to block of the nesting box at night because the cockrell and two or three of the hens were pooping in the nice fresh straw and sleeping in there for comfort as long as you open up the nesting box again early ,you can stop them messing up the nest box and then they lay the eggs nice and clean;)
Fred's Hens :

I'm think' it's a sign of a big poop.
And that's about it..

Just be patient they will come.​
I have 4 hens that are almost 22 weeks, and 4 that are 18 weeks. No eggs yet, and no squatting, at least that I've seen. Some have red faces. None have fully developed wattles and combs, but they are coming in pretty fast. Someone has started laying ginormous poops, like tangerine size..and in a nesting box of all places!
I'm hoping maybe someone will tell me this is a sign the hen will be laying soon? Or are they just doing it to tease me?
Hi there
Are they getting adequate nutrition esp protein level & a good source of calcium such as shell grit or egg shell ?
(Disease and stress free ?)
A dust bath area that gets sunshine helps, maybe access to some green grass and bugs
Try putting some fake eggs around as this can encourage laying
Adequate nutrition esp enough protein and calcium, layers pellets, and mixed grain, green grass, bugs 🐛 help.
Stress free , quiet, clean environment that's cool in Summer, with sunny spots for dusting
Finally try putting some fake eggs around to encourage them
Good luck

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