Bigboy-9lb roo choking/coughing action while eating (never while drinking)/side to side head shaking/his breathing sounds like snoring...advice?

Now, seeing exactly same size of tiny bug, but first time ever in this dark color. Still can't get a picture that it looks nothing more than a dot or a blob when zoomed in so the best I could do was a video I hope that somebody can determine from this scaly leg mites? Mites?
Also got some pictures of his feet to show the deformations and I don't know if he lost his toes to frostbite or what has caused it. It may been from the scaly leg mites

I believe it to be lice.

However, a week after noticing those tiny ones seen on my phone screen around the ears and eyes...we did then see the actual lice but in a baby size (nothing like when we had that flock wide infestation from having brought in a newbie). So I'm guessing it was eggs and the baby lice were born and then growing by the time we seen the actual lice bug.
He has Scaly Leg Mites, you will not be able to see those, they live under the Scales of the legs/feet.
Use NuStock Cream or Vaseline on the feet/legs, rub up underneath the scales of the legs/feet at least once a week for a couple of months.

If you are seeing bugs on the body - lice have 6 legs, mites have 8. Regardless, they need to go. Use a Permethrin based poultry dust, dust him in 5-7 day intervals.

As for treatment of the lesions inside the beak. @dawg53 Post#5 has very good information. 👇
Thrush can be found in the crop, gizzard and possibly on further down, including canker. I've dealt with yeast infections in my old Buff Leghorn rooster. It doesnt permanently go away and requires continued treatments over time.
Other symptoms you might see are gurgling when he crows, difficulty swallowing feed, mucus/saliva in the mouth and in esophagus, drinking water excessively.
Antibiotics shouldnt be used while treating fungal issues unless it is absolutely necessary.
I recommend using Acidified Copper Sulfate. It will clear it up until you see symptoms again which varies with your environment. Here where I live in Florida, I have to treat my rooster once every 4 or 5 months with the Acidified Copper Sulfate (ACS.) We have a warm/mostly wet environment.
In between times I use an Epsom Salts solution albeit a temporary fix with less treatment time of 3 days.

Here's where you can order ACS:

Here's the instructions on how to mix and use ACS. See post #4 in this link:

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