Biggest turkey egg we have ever got Pics included


Everybody loves a Turkey
11 Years
Feb 10, 2008
Eastern NC
This is from a Midget White Turkey, they do lay a very large turkey egg but.... for size on the left is goose egg the right a buff orp egg.


It might be a double yoke but we have never seen that before, we are planning to incubate it and see what comes out.

Steve in NC
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hey Steve I got one of those whopper eggs too this morning. Both my Black Spanish laid in the same nest this morning and one of the eggs was about large chicken egg size which I suspect was one of the hens first egg but this afternoon I found a whopper sized egg in the nest. I got a pic of it in the incubator but you can see the size difference between it and the other normal sized eggs.

I'm still about 1/2 tempted to crack it and see if it's a double yoke but today it goes in the 'bator with some Bronze eggs.


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