Bizzar quail chick issues


Jun 17, 2023
Phoenix AZ
Hello, reaching out again for your collective expertise.

Just hatched some quail chicks from a new place in Texas. 24 in the incubator 12 hatched! But one by one they are dieing 😬.

They look completely healthy, then flop over sideways with Ridgid legs and bend their heads backwards over their backs. There is rythmic pulsing followed by a period of relaxation with extreme lethargy. Chick is unable to hold up head and closes it's eyes. Then it happens again like chick seizures.

I reached out to the quail farm, who proceeded to treat me like an inexperienced child and throw around accusations it has to be my fault because they are NPIP certified. So no help there.

The incubator/feed/water container/brooder box/heat lamp.... everything is consistent with my last few hatchings. The only thing I can think of is the shaved bedding? And the feeder was kept stored outside. The incubator lid was dropped and I don't think the sensors are reading accurate anymore.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

Any thoughts on how to "save" then appreciated. I'm resigned to say I might loose all 12 at this point😔.
This one is currently in the "process of dieing" as we have seen it unfold. It wouldn't let me load the video.

I pulled their water and am watering them manually every 30 min with beak dips in rescue chick electrolyte and water mix from a clean glass jar. In an hour, 4 are now vocal again. I also turned off the heat lamp and put the pultry heating pad in there instead. They are mostly under it, but two are running about now.


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It looks like heat...(skinny legs)

One possible reason the quail chicks are dying could be that the heat lamp is creating excessive heat and lowering the humidity in their environment.

Heat lamps are great for keeping chicks warm, but if they're too close or running too hot, they can create an environment that's too dry.
Quail chicks, especially when they're young, need a balance of warmth and humidity to thrive.

If the humidity is too low, it can make it harder for them to breathe or regulate their body temperature. The heat could also be stressing them out, which weakens their immune systems and makes them more susceptible to illness.

Monitor the temperature closely and ensure the humidity stays at an ideal level (usually around 50-60%) for the chicks to stay healthy.

Pre-made egg yolk scramble for sick chicks...
It looks like heat...(skinny legs)

One possible reason the quail chicks are dying could be that the heat lamp is creating excessive heat and lowering the humidity in their environment.

Heat lamps are great for keeping chicks warm, but if they're too close or running too hot, they can create an environment that's too dry.
Quail chicks, especially when they're young, need a balance of warmth and humidity to thrive.

If the humidity is too low, it can make it harder for them to breathe or regulate their body temperature. The heat could also be stressing them out, which weakens their immune systems and makes them more susceptible to illness.

Monitor the temperature closely and ensure the humidity stays at an ideal level (usually around 50-60%) for the chicks to stay healthy.

Pre-made egg yolk scramble for sick chicks...
I turned off and removed the heat lamp. Instead, I put in a poultry pad, where I can adjust the temperature more accurately. I have a little humidity monitor and I'll move it from the kitchen to my daughter's bedroom where the chicks are being kept. Great idea!

Thinking it was for heat related last night. I just turned off the lamp completely but I didn't put any heat in there and everyone was a little bit quiet and cold and nestled down into the pine shavings. We did have a few that were really chunky and fluffy looking and didn't have skinny legs though, so I'm not 100% sure that it's heat related.
It looks like heat...(skinny legs)

One possible reason the quail chicks are dying could be that the heat lamp is creating excessive heat and lowering the humidity in their environment.

Heat lamps are great for keeping chicks warm, but if they're too close or running too hot, they can create an environment that's too dry.
Quail chicks, especially when they're young, need a balance of warmth and humidity to thrive.

If the humidity is too low, it can make it harder for them to breathe or regulate their body temperature. The heat could also be stressing them out, which weakens their immune systems and makes them more susceptible to illness.

Monitor the temperature closely and ensure the humidity stays at an ideal level (usually around 50-60%) for the chicks to stay healthy.

Pre-made egg yolk scramble for sick chicks...
Can you give me specific instructions for the egg yolk scramble? I just pulled two fresh eggs out of the quail coop outside and can make it for them.
Scrambled Egg Yolk for Sick Quail Chick

  • 1 egg yolk
  • Pinch of turmeric (helps immunity)
  • Pinch of ground ginger (aids digestion)
  • Small amount of calcium powder or crushed eggshell (for bone health)
  • Drop of poultry vitamins (optional)
  • Warm water or broth (to thin the mixture)

  1. Separate the egg yolk and whisk it in a small bowl.
  2. Add a pinch of turmeric, ginger, and calcium powder.
  3. Add a drop of poultry vitamins if you have them.
  4. Mix with warm water or broth to make it easier to eat.
  5. Gently heat and scramble until soft.
  6. Serve in a small dish or feed with a syringe if needed.
What is the temp in the brooder? The warm end should be in the 90s (based on the age they seem to be)
Do they have a warm end and a cool end?
What are you feeding them?
Is there a chance that their feed got damp? (mold on the feed will kill them)

Those are the first questions that come to mind for me.
What is the temp in the brooder? The warm end should be in the 90s (based on the age they seem to be)
Do they have a warm end and a cool end?
What are you feeding them?
Is there a chance that their feed got damp? (mold on the feed will kill them)

Those are the first questions that come to mind for me.
We are feeding New Country Organics game bird crumbles. The hatchery was feeding Purina game bird. We put the food on the opposite side of the brooder from the water because the water gets everywhere. I don't think it got wet, but will swap out fur fresh anyway.

They do have a warm and cool end, and even more so now with the pultry pad.
Scrambled Egg Yolk for Sick Quail Chick

  • 1 egg yolk
  • Pinch of turmeric (helps immunity)
  • Pinch of ground ginger (aids digestion)
  • Small amount of calcium powder or crushed eggshell (for bone health)
  • Drop of poultry vitamins (optional)
  • Warm water or broth (to thin the mixture)

  1. Separate the egg yolk and whisk it in a small bowl.
  2. Add a pinch of turmeric, ginger, and calcium powder.
  3. Add a drop of poultry vitamins if you have them.
  4. Mix with warm water or broth to make it easier to eat.
  5. Gently heat and scramble until soft.
  6. Serve in a small dish or feed with a syringe if needed.
Can I do this with 3 quail eggs instead of chicken yolks? Or is chicken yolks better in some way. I do have both.
We are feeding New Country Organics game bird crumbles. The hatchery was feeding Purina game bird. We put the food on the opposite side of the brooder from the water because the water gets everywhere. I don't think it got wet, but will swap out fur fresh anyway.

They do have a warm and cool end, and even more so now with the pultry pad.
I checked the nutrition information on your feed, and while it is a bit low on protein and methionine, it shouldn't be an issue this soon unless it did get damp somehow.

Do be careful with the pad. Their tiny toes can overheat and die if you're not careful. I've seen pictures of chicks with necrotic toes from heating pads.

Keep us posted to see if any of the changes you make help.

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