Hello, reaching out again for your collective expertise.
Just hatched some quail chicks from a new place in Texas. 24 in the incubator 12 hatched! But one by one they are dieing
They look completely healthy, then flop over sideways with Ridgid legs and bend their heads backwards over their backs. There is rythmic pulsing followed by a period of relaxation with extreme lethargy. Chick is unable to hold up head and closes it's eyes. Then it happens again like chick seizures.
I reached out to the quail farm, who proceeded to treat me like an inexperienced child and throw around accusations it has to be my fault because they are NPIP certified. So no help there.
The incubator/feed/water container/brooder box/heat lamp.... everything is consistent with my last few hatchings. The only thing I can think of is the shaved bedding? And the feeder was kept stored outside. The incubator lid was dropped and I don't think the sensors are reading accurate anymore.
Any ideas greatly appreciated.
Any thoughts on how to "save" then appreciated. I'm resigned to say I might loose all 12 at this point
Just hatched some quail chicks from a new place in Texas. 24 in the incubator 12 hatched! But one by one they are dieing

They look completely healthy, then flop over sideways with Ridgid legs and bend their heads backwards over their backs. There is rythmic pulsing followed by a period of relaxation with extreme lethargy. Chick is unable to hold up head and closes it's eyes. Then it happens again like chick seizures.
I reached out to the quail farm, who proceeded to treat me like an inexperienced child and throw around accusations it has to be my fault because they are NPIP certified. So no help there.
The incubator/feed/water container/brooder box/heat lamp.... everything is consistent with my last few hatchings. The only thing I can think of is the shaved bedding? And the feeder was kept stored outside. The incubator lid was dropped and I don't think the sensors are reading accurate anymore.
Any ideas greatly appreciated.
Any thoughts on how to "save" then appreciated. I'm resigned to say I might loose all 12 at this point