Black Australops and Barred Rocks


12 Years
Jan 20, 2008
Myrtle Beach
I have some 5 day old chicks, and I cant tell the Australops from the Barred Rocks. Is there some way to tell the difference? A picture would be great. I dont have a way to post any.
Usually barred rock chicks are all black...with some yellow in and around head and wing. And Black Australorp are usually Whiter in the chest....head/face and wing tips. A pic would help greatly!
Hope that helps
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Thanks, but they still look the same to me. I have two of each, and I have to split them up on Sunday. Two of them have a more pronounced white spot, on top of their head. Would those be the Barred Rocks?
hmm. My australorp didn't look anything like SeaChick's when she was a baby. Here's a pic showing my BR and my Australorp at about a week old:

Note that the Australorp has black legs, a black beak, and a pure black head. The BR has pink legs, light beak, and some barred feathers showing already.

My Australorp is a GORGEOUS bird, and (I think) a good example of the breed. She has no white on her, whatsoever.

(edited numerous times because I can't type accurately to save my life!)
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