Black Australorp rooster x silver laced wyandotte

Hello and welcome to BYC. Glad to have have you with us in the poultry loving community.I am also planing on doing this same cross in the spring.
Hello and welcome to BYC. Glad to have have you with us in the poultry loving community.
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Ok, so wouldn't a blue Australorp roo x silver laced wyandotte create blue sex link? Or since they carry silver, I would need a red roo to make sex link?
Ok, so wouldn't a blue Australorp roo x silver laced wyandotte create blue sex link? Or since they carry silver, I would need a red roo to make sex link?
Your hen could be used to make one kind of sexlinks, and your rooster could be used to make a different kind of sexlinks, but they cannot make sexlinks together.

With a Silver Laced Wyandotte hen, you would need a red rooster to make sexlink chicks. A Rhode Island Red rooster would work well, or any other rooster who is colored the same way. Sons will be silver, daughters will be gold.

With a Blue Australorp rooster, you would need a hen with white barring to make sexlink chicks. Examples of hens that would work: Barred Rock, Cuckoo Marans, Cream Legbar, Bielefelder, Delaware. Sons will have white barring when they grow feathers and a light dot on top of their head when they hatch, daughters will not have barring and will not have the light dot on their heads.

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