Black, Blue and Splash (BBS) Marans discussion thread

Ok so I have some pics of my Splash with the short toes. The pics didn't come out the greatest but I tried. There is no snow on her toes so where her toe stops and looks like it goes in the snow is where her toe really stops. What do you think?

People have mixed thoughts on it. I've not had a problem breeding a rudimentary toed bird to a regular one in terms of ending up with lots more rudimentary toed birds. I feel if the quality of the bird is good enough, then it is worth it.
Ok thank you. She is 26 weeks old what do you think of her? Do you think she looks like a quality bird? At what point should I judge her for quality? After she starts laying, when I can check the egg color quality?
Hello marans lovers!! :D

I've already asked this question on the black copper marans page but I'd like more then one opinion on this. So I got one dozen black copper marans eggs from a local breeder and got a vary good hatch rate on them. Witch is vary exciting for me concentrating its only my second time incubating eggs. Anyway I got one little WHITE chick!! What is it? Is it a splash? It's got little bits of black on it head and wings.

Thanks :)

Hello marans lovers!!

I've already asked this question on the black copper marans page but I'd like more then one opinion on this. So I got one dozen black copper marans eggs from a local breeder and got a vary good hatch rate on them. Witch is vary exciting for me concentrating its only my second time incubating eggs. Anyway I got one little WHITE chick!! What is it? Is it a splash? It's got little bits of black on it head and wings.


Possibly a splash ???? ,,,, are you sure the breeder had Black Coppers ? Some Blue Coppers can appear to be black, and if they had a dark blue roo and hen, that would explain the possible splash chick.

Anyone else ?

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