Black Copper Marans sexing impatience :) (Pictures)

So it’s been 1 week since my original post, here is how they are developing so far, with the revelation that number one is a cuckoo Marans lol. Their combs are starting to grow, and 1 and 4 are just starting to grow in their tail feathers, lots of wing feathers, and they are much harder to get a still picture of because they’re always moving unlike last time ;)
Well here’s to week number 3! I’ve heard that week number three should be the week where the sexes should become apparent but I’m still struggling with two of them.... 3 is definitely a cockerel, and 4 is definitely a pullet. Number one is a cuckoo Marans, if it were a BCM I would have guessed a cockerel due to the size of its comb but I’ve heard that there is a pattern to look for to tell the male and female cuckoos apart, females will have less barring than the male. But because I have nothing to compare it with I’m clueless lol so if anyone has an idea I would love to hear! 2 is also not a sure thing I’ve gone back-and-forth in my head a couple times because it’s comb is larger than 4 but smaller than 3 so I’m left kind of wondering :(
Hey sorry for the bump but.... How did it turn out? I would say 2&4 pullets and 3 cockerel. I have 2 weeks old bcm’s which I need to differentiate so im reading past posts for info haha cheers!

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