Black Silkie and GL Wyandotte V-day hatch-a-long!

@Peaches-OG your egg had to be assisted hatched and its doing well BUT its umbilical cordis kind of big lol. I hatched it in 30 seconds, SUPER easy! I think its a male (comb is wide)

@Dominique King I Simone is a male (comb is wide)

@Raisin_The_Chicken I THINK ITS A GIRL

and the last wyandotte I forget who it is a girl
@Peaches-OG your egg had to be assisted hatched and its doing well BUT its umbilical cordis kind of big lol. I hatched it in 30 seconds, SUPER easy! I think its a male (comb is wide)

@Dominique King I Simone is a male (comb is wide)

@Raisin_The_Chicken I THINK ITS A GIRL

and the last wyandotte I forget who it is a girl
Cool! but I hope its a girl cuz its name is Poppy!😅

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