Black Silkie and GL Wyandotte V-day hatch-a-long!

a: sorry for not ubdating :(


8s: mine (lacy), hatched
12s: mine(merlin) hatch
15s: @talkinboutchickens (Diva) hatched!
20w: @Dominique King (Simone) hatched male
23w: @Chicken_Obsesser (Sting) hatched FEMALE!!!

26w: @Rasin_The_Chicken (Hoonigan) It hatched but unfortunately it had not eaten or drunk for a week. It was very underweight, walked like it was drunk, and was just not going to make it. It's dead now (killed it :().
29w: @Peaches-OG (poppy) hatched (has a small unabsorbed yolk, but is fine) male

In two weeks I will probably be putting about 6 Wyandotte and 10 Silkie eggs in the incubator!
Yay for mine!
i know 😭 IT WAS A GIRL TOO!!!

shovel. it was small.

its guts and liver and everything came out its belly and I was like... what??? and then it had clear liquid splatter out of its eye (the eye was popped out).
I could have gone my whole life without knowing that 😬 🫣
shoveling snow angry man hitting shovel against ground GIF

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