Hey everybody!
I noticed my two large Cochin roosters along with my two lavender Orpingtons have black bumpy spots along there combs any idea what it is? My other Orpington and Cochin hens seem to not have this. All of them are completely healthy. I do have two silkies one of which I think has mites and her feathers are frizzled. My other silkie seems completely healthy. Does anyone else’s chickens have this?
I noticed my two large Cochin roosters along with my two lavender Orpingtons have black bumpy spots along there combs any idea what it is? My other Orpington and Cochin hens seem to not have this. All of them are completely healthy. I do have two silkies one of which I think has mites and her feathers are frizzled. My other silkie seems completely healthy. Does anyone else’s chickens have this?