Black star? Hen or roo?

Thanks for the feedback! Googled the easter egg rooster, and yep, that looks just like him/her! So sad because it's such a great chicken. We'll have to work on finding it a new home before it starts crowing and driving the neighbors crazy (and we get fined!). The breeder we got him/her and another one from swore it was two hens. The one isn't developing any of these characteristics even though they're roughly the same age. Thanks again!
Oh boy, a surprise for the husband! lol He knows less about chickens than I do so he won't know until he hears crowing! Haha. Besides he's becoming attached to them, by the time he figures it out he won't want to get rid of it either!
Oh, I forgot to mention: Black Star is actually another name for a variety of sex-link chicken, in this case the black variety (the technical name is the Black Sex-Link and there are other varieties such as red). This means that feather color is linked by gender, so males and females will have different feather color. Thus, sexing is SO much easier with these breeds. This bird looks like many of the hens that I have had.
Chickychik, ours was solid black (no gold or red, and only a greenish tint in the sun) until a couple of weeks ago and then the red/gold just exploded out, so it looks like that's a different breed than our Cher (which will henceforth be known as Chaz lol)

Not the clearest shot but this was just on March 15th. Still solid black. The one in front with the more prominent comb is the same bird as the original post.
um, yeah I can't really tell since the tail is down, but in the second picture the tail and back feathers looked like rooster feathers
I am so sorry, Chickychik, I though you where the original person who stared the thread. Your chicken looks like a hen. when I said it looked like a rooster I was talking about the pictures posted by tamyam82.
I would agree with EE because all the black stars I've ever seen had single Combs not pea combs and it has a beard.
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