still bejeweled, y'all
Whenever I go out to the chicken coop, there is ALWAYS one hen, named Amber, who is up on the top roost. I'm pretty sure she's blind/visually impaired because she is not only afraid to get down from the roost, it also takes her several tries to get a beakful of food or water. She has pecked me multiple times (not mean, just not sure what I am and assuming I am something edible), and can't see my hand when waved in front of her face. She has white clouds in both eyes.
Recently, my hen Cami (GLW) and several others have been ganging up on her whenever she goes for food or water. Her comb is a mess and is all pecked up, but her feathers are mostly unharmed and untargeted. I'm going to try and isolate Cami, but I don't know if it will help because others are pecking at Amber as well. When I went out to top up their feed this morning, Amber was up on the top roost, trying to get down but not knowing how. I watched her for about five minutes as I was filling the feeder, but she made no moves and only stared at the floor. I got up there and put her on a lower roost, and she hopped down from that easily. Then she went over to the feeder and ate. I was satisfied that she would be OK and went to fill the waters up from the hose. As I came back I heard frantic squawking and saw Cami bullying Amber, pecking her comb. Several other hens were standing nearby, and one or two aimed a peck at Amber as well. I shooed Cami off and let Amber go back to eating, but instead Amber climbed back up on the roost to hide from the bullies. She didn't seem to want to get down, so I left her alone and finished the chicken chores. I'm worried that Amber isn't getting enough to eat/drink with Cami around. Amber is 100% the lowest if not incredibly low in the pecking order, and she hasn't tried to move up recently either. I don't know whether I should create Cami or Amber, and I'm afraid that crating Cami won't solve any problems. Cami has no other issues with any other hens, only messing with Amber.
Recently, my hen Cami (GLW) and several others have been ganging up on her whenever she goes for food or water. Her comb is a mess and is all pecked up, but her feathers are mostly unharmed and untargeted. I'm going to try and isolate Cami, but I don't know if it will help because others are pecking at Amber as well. When I went out to top up their feed this morning, Amber was up on the top roost, trying to get down but not knowing how. I watched her for about five minutes as I was filling the feeder, but she made no moves and only stared at the floor. I got up there and put her on a lower roost, and she hopped down from that easily. Then she went over to the feeder and ate. I was satisfied that she would be OK and went to fill the waters up from the hose. As I came back I heard frantic squawking and saw Cami bullying Amber, pecking her comb. Several other hens were standing nearby, and one or two aimed a peck at Amber as well. I shooed Cami off and let Amber go back to eating, but instead Amber climbed back up on the roost to hide from the bullies. She didn't seem to want to get down, so I left her alone and finished the chicken chores. I'm worried that Amber isn't getting enough to eat/drink with Cami around. Amber is 100% the lowest if not incredibly low in the pecking order, and she hasn't tried to move up recently either. I don't know whether I should create Cami or Amber, and I'm afraid that crating Cami won't solve any problems. Cami has no other issues with any other hens, only messing with Amber.