blood in poop

Yes you did, see post #10 in this link:
Do you have children? If so, do you let them eat all the candy and sweets they want when they are sick? Do you give them fruits and vegetables if they are sick and have diarrhea? Of course you dont! You want to do all you can to help your children get well and give them the proper medications to stop the diarrhea, and other medications as necessary.
StitchGirl's chickens have diarhhea. Feeding them fruits and vegetables are fiber which would be the opposite in providing diarrhea relief. Fiber is eaten by humans to help prevent constipation. Chickens with diarrhea lose nutrients, minerals and become dehydrated and emaciated. It's best to stop feeding chickens fruits and vegetables when this occurs and feed only the basics; regular layer feed and fresh water to rehydrate. As a matter of fact,buttermilk mixed with scrambled egg mixed in feed would be best, given for about 2 or 3 days.
StitchGirl; good luck with whatever you decide.

No i didn't! that is what you understood. If you see in some post before I have spoked about the long run tips(post number 6), vegetables and herbs are not treats they are part of the chicken dietary requirement as any one who free range is chickens know. I agree that you can refer to fruit as a treat. And about the issue of fibers if you compeers the fiber percentage in fruit and vegetables( Appel-3%, Watermelon-0.4%, Grapes-1.7%, red pepper-1.6%, Lettuce-1.35%,Tomato-1.4%, Carrot-3.6%,Pumpkin-1.5%) to grains, that are the main balk of commercial feed. ( Barely-6.8%, Corn-3.1%, Wheat-3%, Rye-15%, Soya-10%, Pees-9.8%,Chickpea-10%) you will understand that fiber is not the issue here.
Quote: I can assure you that the feed I provide is fresh and balanced, but mine free range, and a free range bird might not eat enough of the "layer" feed, right? which is why I offer free choice oyster shell. Most layer feeds sold in the us have a minimum of 3.25% calcium and a max of 4.24% calcium.

Please take a look at these "layer" feeds and tell me if they are not "balanced":

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Is there any chance that you could take a sample of poop to the vet and have it checked for bacteria, yeast, coccidia and worm eggs? Since you're in the Netherlands, you probably can't get Corid or Amprol, so look for something with amprolium in it. In the US these types of products are often sold in the cattle section of feed stores, so look for medications sold for cattle, sheep, goats and swine. If you can't find any amprolium, you could try using a sulfa drug or Baycox (toltrazuril).

Thanks for your all answers. I see I have lots to learn.
Update on the chickens - haven't seen any diarrhea today, nor blood in poop. However, 2 of the chickens spent lots of time under a bush today, especially one that I saw roosted separately last night. She comes last to eat and doesn't seem very perky. She also free ranges a bit separate from the others. I now see which is Alfa chicken (is that the term?) and perhaps this one is just at the bottom but I feel something is off with her and I can't recall she foraged separately before ( in all of 10 days I had them...) She was also yawning a lot, but then stopped. Could it be I am just now noticing separate behaviors they have or is she more sick?
It was very hot today so I gave them another waterer outside without the medicine. I hope that it wont mess too much with medicine intake. Tomorrow is cooler so I will take it away. I only got one satchet from the vet and threw the packet in the trash so I don't know which generic name it was. I guess I thought he gave me proper stuff, what with him being a vet, but I now see there are many types of medicine and that not all work?
As for the poop analysis - I am not sure that they would do it, but I can call tomorrow and ask.
For the food debate - I clearly have no idea what is better about veggies. But to err on the safe side they wont get any until they are better. I gave them yesterday a banana and they ate it all and today scrambled eggs. Now I will stop until they are better. Feed, oyster shells and water.

Are all of you for or against fermented feed at this time? If they can easier and more fully digest it, for me it makes sense to give it to them (instead of layer feed) but I will wait for your opinion.

Funny story - I was feeding them outside today and all ate and then 3 of them just dropped down to their sides in a heap with wings splayed everywhere. I thought I poisoned them somehow, but then my 5 year old daughter told me they are cuddling and sunbathing. Was she right?
Your daughter is right. Sometimes chickens lay down on their side and spread a wing to absorb vitamin D from the sunlight. It also helps deter external parasites and fungal/mold issues.
Chooks are goofy while sunbathing/dustbathing


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