Yes you did, see post #10 in this link:
Do you have children? If so, do you let them eat all the candy and sweets they want when they are sick? Do you give them fruits and vegetables if they are sick and have diarrhea? Of course you dont! You want to do all you can to help your children get well and give them the proper medications to stop the diarrhea, and other medications as necessary.
StitchGirl's chickens have diarhhea. Feeding them fruits and vegetables are fiber which would be the opposite in providing diarrhea relief. Fiber is eaten by humans to help prevent constipation. Chickens with diarrhea lose nutrients, minerals and become dehydrated and emaciated. It's best to stop feeding chickens fruits and vegetables when this occurs and feed only the basics; regular layer feed and fresh water to rehydrate. As a matter of fact,buttermilk mixed with scrambled egg mixed in feed would be best, given for about 2 or 3 days.
StitchGirl; good luck with whatever you decide.
No i didn't! that is what you understood. If you see in some post before I have spoked about the long run tips(post number 6), vegetables and herbs are not treats they are part of the chicken dietary requirement as any one who free range is chickens know. I agree that you can refer to fruit as a treat. And about the issue of fibers if you compeers the fiber percentage in fruit and vegetables( Appel-3%, Watermelon-0.4%, Grapes-1.7%, red pepper-1.6%, Lettuce-1.35%,Tomato-1.4%, Carrot-3.6%,Pumpkin-1.5%) to grains, that are the main balk of commercial feed. ( Barely-6.8%, Corn-3.1%, Wheat-3%, Rye-15%, Soya-10%, Pees-9.8%,Chickpea-10%) you will understand that fiber is not the issue here.