Blood Rings?


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Feb 28, 2007
South Eastern Indiana
ok, as some know, I made a home made good. However. There is one egg....looks like it has a blood ring? But....the chick inside is alive and moveing 8 days in. Hmmmm..should I just leave it in see what happens? Does this chick have a chance? Will it explode??? Help!?!?!?
If a chick is alive and moving around, then you are not seeing a blood ring. That would indicate a dead peep inside with the blood having left the embryo. If you are sure you saw movement of the embryo, then leave it in. If it was just the yolk swirling around and not actual movement, then you may have seen a blood ring.
I agree, let it sit for another week. You don't have to worry about explosions unless something smells funny :p I've had eggs sitting in my room for a few years and they still haven't gone rotten on me, just light and dried out.
I am sure something in there is moveing, and I can see the "eye"? but......there is definately a dark ring. Ok, so I leave it? I have 4 others in there growing just fine, so far...and I was worried this one might explode...and I read about contamination...UGH, first time bater user...and SUCH a worry wart!
And I thought I was the only worry wart on here. I completely know where you are coming from. I worry about EVERYTHING! Is the temp right, did I see movement, is that the eye, is that a vessel, or a blood ring, is the humidity right , my GOD when will it end????

But I still love it. LOL
HAHA......It never ends.....just when you get the bator all cleaned up, and the peeps will start thinking.....what else layes eggs...wonder where I can get some of those?? LOL Oh they joy of hatching peeps!
LOL you sound just like me! I am always on the look out for something to hatch or another different chicken to collect! I was going to sell my cornish but she is laying now. And my daughter thinks that is so cute, because she is so tiny! So we are keeping her. We were going to stay with one breed but........ who am I kidding!
Stay with one breed?? Oh my! I thought the same thing....for about a week! LOL We now have, RIR....Frizzles....Buff orpingtons..and one little Cuckoo Muran( was the freebie) and Cornish X. Ohhhh, whats next?? LOL
Chickens are additictive! You'll know a blood ring when you see it... Literally all that you will see is a bring ring of red about 1/3 of the way from one side of the egg and a dead embryo floating at the top. There won't be any visible vessels either.

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