Blue Andalusian


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 2, 2012

I just got 6 chicks and am hoping to end up with 3 hens and one rooster. This is my Blue Andalusian and I was really hoping this would be a hen. However, I am starting to think she is quite large for a hen and that tail is very long. I believe this chick is going on 3 and a half weeks old. Any ideas on what I might have here? I will also include a front shot. Calling all Blue Andalusian experts!
And here is another full frontal pic. I am just hoping it is a hen, but she is already ruling the brooder.
As far as I would assum I would say Boy. I have a Blue Andalusian also and he has a nice large comb and it rew in fast and early.
My knee jerck reaction is "boy" but I could be wrong. I thought for sure my SLW was a boy for weeks until it feathered out compleatly and it laid eggs. Do the saddle feathers look round or pointy? On a side note, that is one fast growing breed, I have 1 month old's that dont have as nearly many feathers, my 2 month old brahmas dont even have any discernable tail feathers yet!
That is a good point about the saddle feathers. I have been trying to figure it out from that, but they are just kind of a tapered look now. I have a Dominique which is completely a blunted end and makes the saddle feather test seem easy, but this Andalusian is being a hard bird to crack. I will just have to wait it out I guess. One thing is for sure, the smaller birds are completely upset when I remove the Andalusian for a "photo session". So if it is a rooster he will be a well loved roo.
My experience tells me roo. With mine, the hens were 'fast feathering'. They feathered in before the cockerals did. And, yes, they are a very fast maturing breed. Enjoy!

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