Blue/Brown Eggs, Easter/Christmas Eggs - Getting my craft on!!

I have had trouble too, and I am used to working with rub ons. It takes practice.
Also sometimes you get a hold of some that are really hard to deal with, as I seem to have
That's awesome! I sold my first 4 today, $6 a piece
When the woman saw them, she said she may be contacting me again to buy more ! And a Dr at work is buying one, as well.

Miss Prissy, can't wait to see your goose egg.
I just blew 6 eggs.

I went to AC moore yesterday.. they had NO Christmas rub ons.
I know I read that there are good places to buy and good brands.. but I really don't want to re-read 40+ pages..

What would be a good website to order supplies, and which brands should I look for/avoid?
My mom decided to lay my finished eggs on some green tissue paper. Well, needless to say, one of them hadn't "cured" yet, so now it has a lovely green spot on it
It's on the tree now, haha. And when I moved them, I accidentally dropped one at the fireplace
So it has a lovely dent in it. It's also on the tree
The others will be sold, except my 4 banty eggs (which are SO cute!!), which will be presents for my teachers
I bought mine at AC moore, not many Christmas ones to choose from. I didn't have any luck with the American Traditional Designs brand, really pretty butterflys and most expensive too, but were the worst ones I have used. The best ones were the cheapest, by Plaid, Birdtown USA. The Christmas rub-ons that worked OK were glitter rub-ons by Compliments. I think Plaid has a website but not sure.

Good luck~
WOWOW! I just went thru all 45 pages and copy and pasted all the good ideas and tips into a document to use when I try this! Thanks to MissPrissy for sending me over here. I'm beyond stoked about this. Things are a little tight this year for xmas and I love handmaking gifts... and I have about 3 dozen eggs in the fridge...soooooo.......... I'm on it! I'll have to hit up JoAnn's this week and start on this. I'd love to make a few for friends and family!!!

Seriously beautiful eggs on this thread!! I'm so inspired!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a few links in my bookmarks of rub ons.
I have had great luck with all the different ones I tried of this brand except for one sheet of blue snowflakes. Okie also said she had trouble with them. They work but I really thought I was going to break some of my eggs getting them one.
Never ordered from them but they have decent prices.
I have ordered 2 times from this company. They pack well and shipping is pretty good too. This is just Hobby Lobby but their online store. Not sure why they don't have the same name. They are having a 25% off sale right now till the 18th.

That is all the links I have saved.

The brands I have had really BAD luck with were K&CO. and American Traditional

Hope this helps
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I've read much of this thread but not all so sorry if this has been covered...

I am very excited about this project as this is my first Christmas with my chickens!

I got the rub-ons on fine but I used Mod Podge and the brush left lines and so I tried to use my fingers and it's globbed up in some areas and they were so pretty with the rub-ons until I messed them up with the Mod Podge. Any suggestions for the craft-impaired?

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