Blue comb wheezing breathing in


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2024
My rooster has been like this for 2 days. He's less than a year old. I have him quarantined. I've been giving him a dose of amoxicillin everyday. After the 1st dose his comb looked less blue and he wasn't wheezing as much. I thought that he was out of the woods. But he doesn't look better today. I also gave him VetRx today He has fresh water and water with electrolytes, garlic, oregano, and turmeric. He is eating. Feed and goji berries. He also has runny yellow poop on his butt feathers. Not a lot. His poop today is more solid. Not yellow. It was hot (100*) but not in the last 5 days. And they always have shade and lots of water. Any ideas?
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Yellow urates can indicate dehydration however so can a virus or bacterial infection. If he has a respiratory infection his comb could definitely blue up and he'd gasp for air. Do you have any antibiotics?
Hello and welcome to BYC!

Yellow urates can indicate dehydration however so can a virus or bacterial infection. If he has a respiratory infection his comb could definitely blue up and he'd gasp for air. Do you have any antibiotics?
I have human antibiotics. Can I use those or should I get something else? What chicken antibiotics should I get? Thanks!
I have human antibiotics. Can I use those or should I get something else? What chicken antibiotics should I get? Thanks!
Human stuff is perfect, its all the same medication for animal or human. Id give him 500mg twice a day for 7-10 days and see how he does.
Hello and welcome to BYC!

Yellow urates can indicate dehydration however so can a virus or bacterial infection. If he has a respiratory infection his comb could definitely blue up and he'd gasp for air. Do you have any antibiotics?
Can you see my video link in my post? That was a pain to attach! Lol

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