Blue Copper, Black Copper, and Blue Splash Marans


5 Years
Jun 3, 2019
I have some black copper, very limited amount of blue copper, and quite a few blue splash marans. I'm running out of room for breeding pens with all of the other birds I breed. :hmm So I was thinking of combining my marans. Do others do this or run into any issues? We do sell chicks to pay for feed on our hobby farm so I'm trying to decide what is best. If I don't combine them, then I may have to just pick one type and get rid of the rest.
I have some black copper, very limited amount of blue copper, and quite a few blue splash marans. I'm running out of room for breeding pens with all of the other birds I breed. :hmm So I was thinking of combining my marans. Do others do this or run into any issues? We do sell chicks to pay for feed on our hobby farm so I'm trying to decide what is best. If I don't combine them, then I may have to just pick one type and get rid of the rest.
Blue copper x black copper makes 50% blue copper and 50% black copper.

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