Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte Hen

I raised a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, but it is a more copper color. But honestly she was really friendly since she was a chick just based on how I raised all my chicks with regular socialization. Although, again like others have said, a very beautiful bird! It just all comes down to what your looking for, depending on health, color, egg production and or personality. What are you looking for in this breed?
I raised a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, but it is a more copper color. But honestly she was really friendly since she was a chick just based on how I raised all my chicks with regular socialization. Although, again like others have said, a very beautiful bird! It just all comes down to what your looking for, depending on health, color, egg production and or personality. What are you looking for in this breed?
A nice hen that gets along good with other breeds of chickens, I agree all the different colors are beautiful! Also I am planning on getting a Buff Orpington rooster and was wondering if it would be okay to breed them together? Thank you!
From my exsperience with wyandottes, they do come off as calm, but very independent as foragers, but orpingtons are an absolute joy to any flock. And I've heard great things from the roosters, they are the true teddy bears of the chicken world. Best of luck with your growing flock! Do keep an update about those wyandotte and oprington chicks, they sounds like they would be a dream breeding pair!
From my exsperience with wyandottes, they do come off as calm, but very independent as foragers, but orpingtons are an absolute joy to any flock. And I've heard great things from the roosters, they are the true teddy bears of the chicken world. Best of luck with your growing flock! Do keep an update about those wyandotte and oprington chicks, they sounds like they would be a dream breeding pair!
Will do, thank you!

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