Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Hi, I'm new to BLR's...I hatched out some bantams this summer. I don't think they have dark enough red, but they are very pretty. I was lucky to hatch one of each's only a couple that I got pictures of at 4-5 months. My daughter did win blue ribbons with them at fair :)
Hi, I'm new to BLR's...I hatched out some bantams this summer. I don't think they have dark enough red, but they are very pretty. I was lucky to hatch one of each's only a couple that I got pictures of at 4-5 months. My daughter did win blue ribbons with them at fair

one thing I have noticed with the bantams... the red isn't as dark as it should be on average. especially in the hens. but your boy has nice dark red, though his hackles are a bit light. but that could be because of the splash.

from what I've seen on the bantams though, type seems to be pretty good overall. I just picked up a pullet a little over a week ago that has similar coloration to your girl. not ideal but at the moment she's my ONLY bantam blrw girl, so...

use what you've got, strive for better
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That roo looks blue to me..... my black roo I got from Jerry has a green sheen and I don't see that on your roo. He looks a lot like my DARK blue roo I got from Jerry...... I have 3 roo from Jerry.

This is my $50 Blue Roo from Foley he is BLUE he is older now LOL

This is my $100 Roo from Foley. He too is older hehe

I don't seem to have one of the Black roo...... strange......

The hen to the LEFT of the $100 roo was PENCILLED after she molted. I just sold her the other day. She was still laying and I had her with the $50 roo and the eggs just would not hatch for some reason. I just wanted to see what would happen with her chicks. I may have a couple growing out from that cross. She was with the $100 roo for most of my hatches..... so far I have not see the pencilling again. we will see......

I too doubt he would have crossed barnies into them...... I wouldn't count out the partridge to keep the mahogany gene really dark..... either way they are really pretty birds.
There are so many reds it seems. Just what red are we after in the BLRW?? I always thought it was the red on an exhibition RIR which is different than a red on a Partridge Wyandotte. The RIR is not my bird, wish he was :) The partridge red can get brassy looking when it get's diluted and when at it's darkest looks almost purple.

  • ki4got do you know what the genetic difference is in these 2 reds?
ok hopefully this doesn't get all garbled... having net issues right now, so can't see the pics. BUT! the red in RIR and partridge both should be mahogany (Mh gene)... that being said, there are other factors in different breeds causing similar varieties to look totally different. modifying genes & such. the red in BLRW SHOULD be the deep mahogany red. often the orangey colored ones are simply lacking that mahogany gene. in bantam cochins, the partridge is a partridge base (eb) with the pattern gene and mahogany added... if you have partridge that are more orangey, i'd say that line doesn't have the mahogany. I've seen some partridge cochins in other countries that are also quite light compared to the US ones. the same for RIR. they should be the deep dark red mahogany base, though many production reds are lacking the mahogany as well, and generally a 'normal' orange/red on the hens and a bit darker on the roos. but not mahogany dark. I can't upload right now either, but if you look at my pics, my roos all have the nice uniform dark red. my splash girl is also very dark, but a bit lighter because of the splash diluting the red a bit. as for the light hackles, I prefer to breed for the darker colored hackles, as that avoids any brassiness down the road. even in blues and splashes, if you go for a darker neck with more red on it than blue/splash, you'll find your roo hackle lacing will improve somewhat down the road, IMO. ok the pics showed up... yes, I was right in my guesses... the partridge has the correct mahogany red wanted for blrw, the other (don't think that's a RIR, personally since he has duckwing pattern) is just a 'run of the mill' red. your normal, NOT-modified-in-any-way type red. editing again... think I may have gotten the 2 pics confused. the top one is good mahogany, the bottom one is the ?? that does NOT contain mahogany. fill in the blanks with breeds. LOL
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ok hopefully this doesn't get all garbled...

having net issues right now, so can't see the pics. BUT! the red in RIR and partridge both should be mahogany (Mh gene)... that being said, there are other factors in different breeds causing similar varieties to look totally different. modifying genes & such. the red in BLRW SHOULD be the deep mahogany red. often the orangey colored ones are simply lacking that mahogany gene. in bantam cochins, the partridge is a partridge base (eb) with the pattern gene and mahogany added... if you have partridge that are more orangey, i'd say that line doesn't have the mahogany. I've seen some partridge cochins in other countries that are also quite light compared to the US ones. the same for RIR. they should be the deep dark red mahogany base, though many production reds are lacking the mahogany as well, and generally a 'normal' orange/red on the hens and a bit darker on the roos. but not mahogany dark.

I can't upload right now either, but if you look at my pics, my roos all have the nice uniform dark red. my splash girl is also very dark, but a bit lighter because of the splash diluting the red a bit.

as for the light hackles, I prefer to breed for the darker colored hackles, as that avoids any brassiness down the road. even in blues and splashes, if you go for a darker neck with more red on it than blue/splash, you'll find your roo hackle lacing will improve somewhat down the road, IMO.

ok the pics showed up... yes, I was right in my guesses... the partridge has the correct mahogany red wanted for blrw, the other (don't think that's a RIR, personally since he has duckwing pattern) is just a 'run of the mill' red. your normal, NOT-modified-in-any-way type red.

editing again... think I may have gotten the 2 pics confused. the top one is good mahogany, the bottom one is the ?? that does NOT contain mahogany. fill in the blanks with breeds. LOL

Thanks for your input. That's what I thought.... The bottom one is the Partridge Wyandotte and I believe he is correct in his red for his variety but not for a BLR. Guess we will wait and see what the SOP says if they are accepted.
On less intellectual note....she may have some double lacing but......

She sings a helluva egg song.


Always makes us smile.
She does turn it on :) Go girl!
double posted, so I had something else anyways. LOL

decided, since Shim and Chicken Dinner are getting hard to tell apart from their father, so decided it was time to leg band (just colored split rings)...

Shim was in a grey area for a while as to him/her, so he got the grey band. Chicken dinners are usually a golden brown, so he got gold (hubby sais I 'ain't right' LOL) and then since Big'un is my original blrw he just got blue. LOL
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