Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Hi all--Brought home my new hen last night! As I said in my other posts, she is just a yard ornament/egg layer/pet, but I am so excited to have my first BLRW! :) Here are some pics. I also took in a silver lace from the same place who got beat up by a turkey, I guess? The lady said the turkey kept picking at her wing, and now it appears to be a round cyst/abscess on her wing? I agreed to take her because I am a softie and...hey...she might end up being a good little layer! (I'll be posting on another thread regarding treatment of that :/ )Anyways, the BLR was born March and the much smaller silver born in May. I have both separated for now to see that they are healthy before released out with flock to free range. BLR feels nice and healthy...silver is skinny (as expected)...but both are eating, drinking, and preening as normal.

chick update time! I left these images FULL resolution so if you view them full size you can zoom in!

Chick #1 "Green" - Roo - 5 weeks

Chick #2 "DoublePink" - Roo - 5 weeks

note his lacing on chest (or lack of) - is this an indication of bad lacing in adulthood?

Chick #3 "Blue" - Pullet - 5 weeks

note her comb goes flat onto her head and actually has an indentation in the comb

Chick #4 "Orange" - suspected Roo - 5 weeks

the comb is not yet pink, but it is kinda tall (compared to "Blue") & has a 3-point tip which the other 2 Roos also had before turning pink.
I suspect this one is a roo, what do you think?

Chick #5 "Purple" - suspected Roo - 5 weeks

see 3-tip comb, very different than "Blue" the pullet - I am thinking Roo what do you think?

I think I might have 4 roos.. I stare at their combs WAY too long. The first 2 are definite roos, with red combs. The other 2 I suspect are roos, they have not turned red yet, but they have a 3-way point on the top of their comb that the other 2 roos also had.

I believe 1 is a pullet, and her comb is very different. It goes flat into her head, and it actually has a small indentation in it. I am not sure if it grew this way or maybe was pecked or something?

Any opinions on comb shape? 3-point vs flat?

Also.. I notice that 1 roo does not have very defined lacing. Can anyone tell me more about the lacing genes? Is this an indication of poor lacing in adulthood? Sadly this one has the BEST personality so I really want him to be my keeper. BUT the others are developing much better lacing.....
chick update time! I left these images FULL resolution so if you view them full size you can zoom in!

Chick #1 "Green" - Roo - 5 weeks


Chick #2 "DoublePink" - Roo - 5 weeks
note his lacing on chest (or lack of) - is this an indication of bad lacing in adulthood?

Chick #3 "Blue" - Pullet - 5 weeks

note her comb goes flat onto her head and actually has an indentation in the comb

Chick #4 "Orange" - suspected Roo - 5 weeks

the comb is not yet pink, but it is kinda tall (compared to "Blue") & has a 3-point tip which the other 2 Roos also had before turning pink.
I suspect this one is a roo, what do you think?

Chick #5 "Purple" - suspected Roo - 5 weeks

see 3-tip comb, very different than "Blue" the pullet - I am thinking Roo what do you think?

I think I might have 4 roos.. I stare at their combs WAY too long. The first 2 are definite roos, with red combs. The other 2 I suspect are roos, they have not turned red yet, but they have a 3-way point on the top of their comb that the other 2 roos also had.

I believe 1 is a pullet, and her comb is very different. It goes flat into her head, and it actually has a small indentation in it. I am not sure if it grew this way or maybe was pecked or something?

Any opinions on comb shape? 3-point vs flat?

Also.. I notice that 1 roo does not have very defined lacing. Can anyone tell me more about the lacing genes? Is this an indication of poor lacing in adulthood? Sadly this one has the BEST personality so I really want him to be my keeper. BUT the others are developing much better lacing.....
You may be correct on your sexing. If you see any wattles at this age it is an indication of male. You will know in a few weeks for sure. The red at this age is a definate male.

You can't judge lacing at this age. 6 week chick below

Horrible lacing and incomplete..chicks shed feathers several times ..

This was him at 6 months..beautiful lacing and deep mahogany color. He is even better now..

Your little girl might have an inverted is a DQ if she does.

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