Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

a front and above shot tell us how wide he is... you can't tell that from the other angles.
okay.. here goes! hopefully something is useable

front - dead on, but taking a step forward:

front - looking left slightly, standing straight:

front - looking right, feet leaning, taking a step(?):

front - legs straight but body angled slightly off center

I could not get him to keep his dang head facing forwards unless he is walking. he always watches me from the side/with one eye (I laid in the grass to take these lol)

the top photos made him very uncomfortable.. he's not a fan

top/above - from behind

from above, body angle is slightly off, sorry!

this is from above, he was running from me, neck is stretched out mid-step

another side angle, from the ground, is this low enough camera angle?
okay.. here goes! hopefully something is useable

front - dead on, but taking a step forward:

front - looking left slightly, standing straight:

front - looking right, feet leaning, taking a step(?):

front - legs straight but body angled slightly off center

I could not get him to keep his dang head facing forwards unless he is walking. he always watches me from the side/with one eye (I laid in the grass to take these lol)

the top photos made him very uncomfortable.. he's not a fan

top/above - from behind

from above, body angle is slightly off, sorry!

this is from above, he was running from me, neck is stretched out mid-step

another side angle, from the ground, is this low enough camera angle?
Haha viola! Isn't that the hardest thing ever!! Getting those photos! My phone must be filled with a million of those type of pics. And I bet I have two good angels lol

This is my first year breeding blrw but I will give it a go ;)

His color seems a little orange in the hackles. His front, your right should be mote round. And his stance should be a little wider. I like his lacing. And think it looks like his comb does not have divits and such.

Now lets hear it from the pros lol
Haha viola! Isn't that the hardest thing ever!! Getting those photos! My phone must be filled with a million of those type of pics. And I bet I have two good angels lol

This is my first year breeding blrw but I will give it a go

His color seems a little orange in the hackles. His front, your right should be mote round. And his stance should be a little wider. I like his lacing. And think it looks like his comb does not have divits and such.

Now lets hear it from the pros lol

LOL I'm glad SOMEONE can understand lmfao!! everyone around here thinks I'm nuts.
I am out there in the run trying to hover over him inconspicuously but the camera sound scares him. Laying in chicken poop for hours trying to get relaxed angles.....

I do not like the copperness of his hackles either..... there is a subtle under layer that looks a little darker orangered, you might be able to see it on his chest where the hackles meet, maybe not. still not the right red though. it is the type stuff I have trouble identifying. I am not sure if the chest roundness will come with time, or if it is what it is. first time raising a rooster, so time will tell of course, but maybe someone with an eye can see something I can't

I also notice in the overhead shots that his tail feathers are narrower than the saddle feathers. there is a drop off/angle there. but from behind, the tail appears "open" and not pinched. I had some pinched tail roosters before, this guy's was open/wide by comparison.
I like his color/lacing and comb, nice yellow legs too-I agree, I'd like him to be a bit more round in shape. He's not bad at all.
thank Peaky, I can work with not bad !
will continue to grow him out and see how he does in roundness, can that come with time or is it about set around 5mos do you think?
Thanks. I'll have to request darker colored ones from the breeder, then. I'll be getting 4 more(straight run) and definitely want one blue hen.
Quote: if you're willing to hang onto him, evaluate him again around 8 months... a year would be ideal I think then you can see what he'll have. my own cockerels have changed a lot from 4-5 months to now at about 10 months. I need to get some good pics of both and have some critiques... CD is bigger and rounder than Shim, but CD has a split breast and a big divot in the middle of his comb, while Shim has a better comb and lacks the split breast... CD actually looks... lumpy almost at times. not sure if that's good or bad, but usually when his crop is full. LOL both have comparable color and profile (usually, but the pics didn't catch Shim in a good pose)

This is Shim last month, and CD is the second pic (same time frame.


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