Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Do these resemble BLRW chicks?

Just for fun, some chick pics!

I have to practice my photography. I can get pictures half decent of my chicks, but for some reason, all the ones I take of the adults come out crappy. Lacing ends up looking lame and the colors don't come through. I bought a new camera, but it didn't help, so I will finally admit to User Error! Anyway, Just for fun, some pics of a few of the parents:

Ugh, they really are a whole lot prettier than this, but it is fun to share anyway!
Just for fun, some chick pics! I have to practice my photography. I can get pictures half decent of my chicks, but for some reason, all the ones I take of the adults come out crappy. Lacing ends up looking lame and the colors don't come through. I bought a new camera, but it didn't help, so I will finally admit to User Error! Anyway, Just for fun, some pics of a few of the parents: Ugh, they really are a whole lot prettier than this, but it is fun to share anyway!
These are gorgeous!
Decided to post some pictures of my first two BLRW pullets, Sugar Plum & Violet. These are the girls who got my BLR bug going. Both are "pet quality" but I love them just the same!

I love the look of admiration on Violet's face as she gazes up at Sugar Plum in this last one, Lol.
Nava, me too! That chick is so cool looking he/she is becoming a favorite.

Salinas Chicken, beautiful girls!

and now a question: I feel certain that this is a Roo the only chick to hatch from 30 eggs. Does he have any attributes that I want to cover hens from my new hatch (different line)I see he has a single comb, does his leg color outway the comb? Should I keep him to mix up my genetics? Or start from scratch with this other breeders chicks? Thank you!

Nava, me too! That chick is so cool looking he/she is becoming a favorite.

Salinas Chicken, beautiful girls!

and now a question: I feel certain that this is a Roo the only chick to hatch from 30 eggs. Does he have any attributes that I want to cover hens from my new hatch (different line)I see he has a single comb, does his leg color outway the comb? Should I keep him to mix up my genetics? Or start from scratch with this other breeders chicks? Thank you!


If it was mine, I would not breed him single comb is a BIG nono in the wine-dotes

Leg color can be obtained later.
( I just did look at Travis chicks )

I was working on size in the last couple years, I'm satisfied with it for now, so then I started to work on yellow legs and so far so good.

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