Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

You send your 14yr old son to the kitchen for scrub brush, hot water and soap.
Trust me I'm not going to hear the end of this one. Worse was one of the pullets jumped on my daughters lap and dropped a nice one. She was all dressed up to go out bowling. I drove 9 hours to get these birds today and it was -1 when I made it home and too dark to take pics outside besides being too excited to wait until morning. Rest assured mess is all cleaned up and chickies are back outside.
You send your 14yr old son to the kitchen for scrub brush, hot water and soap.
Trust me I'm not going to hear the end of this one. Worse was one of the pullets jumped on my daughters lap and dropped a nice one. She was all dressed up to go out bowling. I drove 9 hours to get these birds today and it was -1 when I made it home and too dark to take pics outside besides being too excited to wait until morning. Rest assured mess is all cleaned up and chickies are back outside.

lol that really paints a picture, sounds a lot like my house!

My DH puts up with a lot... today while my silkie was perching on my arm and I was talking to him in the kitchen, she let one go with a massive splatter. We just cracked up laughing. Yep this is our life!
So of the 16 chicks hatched I have 3 dark , 3 silver, 1 maybe 2 splash and the remainder are blue.
The silver ones are getting a nice blue undercarriage . I still don't know where the silver came from.
I intend to keep them all so I can see how they grow out.


We had a silkier who didn't like leaving deposits in the nest. And never wanted to get up to eat or drink ( or poo) so every day or so I would pick her up and place her in front of the feeder. I have to have a baggy for her because it isn't penny sized... more like a golf ball and smells worse then a lake full of sewage .
We had a silkier who didn't like leaving deposits in the nest. And never wanted to get up to eat or drink ( or poo) so every day or so I would pick her up and place her in front of the feeder. I have to have a baggy for her because it isn't penny sized... more like a golf ball and smells worse then a lake full of sewage .
That is funny! I agree….nothing like the smell of broody poo. I have a dog that thinks it's a delicacy.

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