Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Karen, is the Wyandotte bantam partridge or Cochin partridge not double laced? Or both? I'll have to check it out more thoroughly. Should have to begin with.

no, they are not double laced... they are penciled...

in single lacing, the black (or blue/splash, as the case may be) is pushed to the outer edges of the feather. this involves 3 mutations. Pg pattern gene, Ml melanizing and Co Columbian.

the pattern gene provides the basic pattern required (as in penciled), adding melanizing makes the feather blacker, causing the marked areas to become wider and spread out closer to the edges of the feather (double laced), and adding Columbian pushes all the black pigment to the outer edges (single lacing).

penciling (patridge or silver laced)

Double lacing (Barnevelders, dark Cornish)

Single lacing (silver laced, gold laced, blue laced red)
Oh no, mine is coming in May. I'm lurking for the pics and info about the breed for when she does come. BLRW have been on my wish list since I was first considering chickens, so when DH told me to order 5 of whatever I wanted I grabbed one. :)
Quote: Oh cool, so the splash are much lighter? When my baby gets here I will share a pic and you can help me figure it out.
no, the partridge aren't double laced, they're penciled... and that's because of the pattern gene (double laced is also, but simply lacks Columbian to make the lacing complete). and I would use partridge Wyandotte, if I had any. I do have a pair of (hatchery quality) partridge cochins tho, and also want to play with making a blr cochin as well, so that's why I thought about using the cochins... once I have the colors needed on a cross, then I can work it into a good laced line of cochins (if I ever get some decent ones!) but at the same time can work back to the 'dottes and perfect the color and type there too. my pullet and roo both have good type, and the roo is much darker than the pullet, so it's possible he will throw nice reds too, but I don't know yet. I only have one cockerel of his from another hen I no longer have.

Maybe use a RIR RC Bantam
NRML! where do you live and hail from? I have 3 red laced blue wyandottes. 7 months old, fully feathered, ready to lay eggs any time, and healthy. We live Freesoil Michigan. They are all gorgeous! Need to make room for new chicks in the spring!
Do you have pictures? They sound quite interesting and would love to see them.
NRML! where do you live and hail from? I have 3 red laced blue wyandottes. 7 months old, fully feathered, ready to lay eggs any time, and healthy. We live Freesoil Michigan. They are all gorgeous! Need to make room for new chicks in the spring!

I would love them ugh but I am in AZ. How does one ship adult birds? Lol

NRML, Think of it this way, my birds would most likely be defrosted by the time they got there! Ha Ha. Cold and snowy here.

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