Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I would say that #6 is your splash.

5&7 look like blacks to me.
1,2,3,4,& 8 are going to look awesome!
Agree on 5&7
Hey guys I spoke to someone a couple weeks back that had blue laced red wyandotte chicks and visited family often near trinity nd. My blrw source fell thru and I'm looking for a few chicks.
Thanks. My name is carrie
Updated photo of my bantam at 11 weeks. Gender?

Came home Sunday evening to my sons d'uccle hen killing some of my chicks. She got my last 2 pure Foley chicks I had left before pred had killed my cockerel and nearly killed another blue and 4 CCL and Rhodebars. She ate off the tale of the black one and attempted the same with the others. I was going to cull her but son talked me into sending her to the farm to live with Kathy(His bosses mother) so I let him. At least I have 2 blue chicks to grow out yet and they are just starting to get in their dark color and will have a nice blue contrast it's looking like.

Photo is not the best but you can see the dark red coming in. I have faith in these last 2 chicks as they are all I have left. I do have 2 cockerels I bought back that I hatched out last year from previous birds but have brass. One of which has really nice dotte type so I'm going to breed them in hopes for a few nice chicks.crossing fingers.
Cockerel Came home Sunday evening to my sons d'uccle hen killing some of my chicks. She got my last 2 pure Foley chicks I had left before pred had killed my cockerel and nearly killed another blue and 4 CCL and Rhodebars. She ate off the tale of the black one and attempted the same with the others. I was going to cull her but son talked me into sending her to the farm to live with Kathy(His bosses mother) so I let him. At least I have 2 blue chicks to grow out yet and they are just starting to get in their dark color and will have a nice blue contrast it's looking like. Photo is not the best but you can see the dark red coming in. I have faith in these last 2 chicks as they are all I have left. I do have 2 cockerels I bought back that I hatched out last year from previous birds but have brass. One of which has really nice dotte type so I'm going to breed them in hopes for a few nice chicks.crossing fingers.
I'm sorry about the loss of your chicks! I have never had an older bird kill any of my chicks.
How old are the chicks you have left?

Came home Sunday evening to my sons d'uccle hen killing some of my chicks. She got my last 2 pure Foley chicks I had left before pred had killed my cockerel and nearly killed another blue and 4 CCL and Rhodebars. She ate off the tale of the black one and attempted the same with the others. I was going to cull her but son talked me into sending her to the farm to live with Kathy(His bosses mother) so I let him. At least I have 2 blue chicks to grow out yet and they are just starting to get in their dark color and will have a nice blue contrast it's looking like.
so sorry to hear about your chicks!

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