Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Okay, this is why I love this forum. I thought I remembered reading that bay was an accepted color to that standard. It's good to keep my baskets in a row as I have too many eggs to fill them. Thanks for the clarification. I'll look into it.
Okay, this is why I love this forum.  I thought I remembered reading that bay was an accepted color to that standard.  It's good to keep my baskets in a row as I have too many eggs to fill them.  Thanks for the clarification.  I'll look into it.

The term ' bay ' is used to cover a range of red colorations. Whilst it might not be ' correct ' terminology it would certainly include shades of mahogany .
Just as ' brassy ' , is sometimes referred to as gold or yellow.

This is my 25 week old BLRW *Red*. She has such a big personality! Very sweet and laid back, from the local feed store. Her *sister* Lacy is in back.
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Hey everybirdy, we picked these up last week, I was wondering what the pros thought about them? I have my thoughts, but don't know enough to rely on them. Feel free to be critical, won't hurt my feelings any.

I know the angles aren't the best. They are still in quarantine and it's difficult to stretch in there to get a good shot. It's still my phone, so the color is off just a bit, but any opinions and advice are welcome. Thanks, guys!
I finally found a new cockerel. My original rooster died unexpectedly...luckily I managed to buy one of his sons back...which did well for a while and then died unexpectedly. I happened to have one if his sons on hand and when he was near maturity...he died unexpectedly. So...I finally managed to find a new cockerel. Amazingly the girls (who are normally nasty to newcomers) seemed to take to him right away and I even saw him mating with one of the older, most ornery hens after less than a week (the first rooster took several months before any if them would let him mate). So...he's a "splash" and I don't know his bloodline but he's not too bad looking and the ladies seem to like him.

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