Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Pullet or Roos? They are 7 wks old. I need a pullet...just one blue pullet...please...
I hatched out 7 BLRW chicks and I fear that they are all cockerels except for one black BLRW and she's cross beaked

Here are pics of 2 different chicks that have the most potential to be pullets...the rest of them have bright red combs & wattles. One has a single comb, but if it's a girl I will keep her b/c I won't be breeding them. Whada you think? THANKS!!!

and the splash with a single comb...

I think that they are both pullets. If they were 7 week old roos, they would have bigger combs and would be crowing a little. Congrats. BTW do you ever sell juveniles or adults? I'm a teen who lives in Knoxville, but I have family in Cookeville that we visit a lot. I've been wanting to breed BLRW's for a while. How much do you generally sell for?
I think that they are both pullets. If they were 7 week old roos, they would have bigger combs and would be crowing a little. Congrats. BTW do you ever sell juveniles or adults? I'm a teen who lives in Knoxville, but I have family in Cookeville that we visit a lot. I've been wanting to breed BLRW's for a while. How much do you generally sell for?
I don't breed them...I am new to chickens this spring :) I bought hatching eggs from shanshan51 (on byc). There are some breeders in KY, but if you can wait DMRippy on here will be breeding here in/near Nashville, but her chicks are itty bitty.
Deanna OR,
That is a good picture of the three colors.
How is your little GIRL chick doing? Keep and eye out because she will keep changing on ya.
Still think she is blue though.
Mine? Just looked and they look weirder than yesterday. It's sort of fun .

She is doing great. I'll take an updated pic when I get home..they are getting some feathers =)
I have two 21 week old cockerels and 6 13 week old cockerels..not one of them has crowed even once. So I would have to say that crowing isn't a great way to sex, unless they actually crow!
I have two 21 week old cockerels and 6 13 week old cockerels..not one of them has crowed even once. So I would have to say that crowing isn't a great way to sex, unless they actually crow!
X2 and she has lots of little roos and none crowed while I chick-sat the.
Donna - what do you think about those two chicks in the pictures? Pullet or Roo?

The second one is DEFINITELY a PULLET! See how she is getting lacing on her back? PULLET for sure.

The barred one
I am leaning to roo. See the dark places of red, dark red, pullets don't have that. That is a roo thing... a least with my EE it is. Pullets can't get dark red on their wings.

Is that what your gut was telling you?
The second one is DEFINITELY a PULLET! See how she is getting lacing on her back? PULLET for sure.
The barred one
I am leaning to roo. See the dark places of red, dark red, pullets don't have that. That is a roo thing... a least with my EE it is. Pullets can't get dark red on their wings.
Is that what your gut was telling you?

I am DEFINITELY trying to WILL the first one to be a pullet...I am a strong willed gal. As for the confuses me bc it is barred (Shannon said this indicated good lacing in the future
). That is throwing me off and keeping the dream alive
I think the 2nd chick w the single comb is a splash. Excuse me while I whine for a bit...I JUST WANT A BLUE BLRW...sorry...

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