Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I have one Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte pullet that will be 13 weeks old Wednesday I am wondering if her lacing will improve..I got her from someone that bought hatching eggs on ebay to hatch for her class at school and now that school is starting back she will not have the time to care for all of her birds properly...I dont know what line she came from if she even came from a good breeding line so I have no idea if she will improve or not after her first big molt.

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I have one Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte pullet that will be 13 weeks old Wednesday I am wondering if her lacing will improve..I got her from someone that bought hatching eggs on ebay to hatch for her class at school and now that school is starting back she will not have the time to care for all of her birds properly...I dont know what line she came from if she even came from a good breeding line so I have no idea if she will improve or not after her first big molt.

I would think it MIGHT improve SOME but not much. I don't think she will ever have the lacing look.
ok thank you...I guess if I ever want GOOD quality I need to get them from someone like you
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It looks more pyle than Splash laced red.
Still pretty :)

If Donna doesnt have eggs or birds springtime, I might. I got 2 pairs from foley, and I will be hatching a ton, and culling a few chicks that show small narrow heads or long beaks. Etc.
Thanks..I don't think she is a Pyle but I could be wrong...I would say she is just a poor quality Splash Laced Red...thanks for offering me some eggs or bids next spring but for now I dont want any more...but in the next couple of years I am will be slimming my flock down to just a few breeds for breeding...I would like to still have some layers not for breeding....but I am not sure which breeds I want to breed I know for sure LF Cochins Hopefully Lavender...I might breed BLRW but still not decided...I will let you know if I decide to breed them also.
Still look like BLRW or Black? 4 weeks old now. Sometimes I think it acts like a little roo...and then one of them that I am sure is a pullet will act the same way and blow my theory! =)

I have 25 that are 3 weeks old and some already have redish combs! Is it normal for them to show up already?
Still look like BLRW or Black? 4 weeks old now. Sometimes I think it acts like a little roo...and then one of them that I am sure is a pullet will act the same way and blow my theory! =)

I would say he looks more like a black, but I don't have enough experience to say for sure. He stands like a roo.


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