Bobwhite joined my chickens, now what can I do?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 13, 2014
3 days ago I had a funny little looking bird running around with my 7 chickens. After searching I found he is a Bobwhite Quail. I have no idea where he came from. My girls have fully accepted him. He stays with them even though he is capable of hopping through the fence that keeps the chickens contained during the day (they have a lot of roaming area covered in hawk netting). He even runs down this chicken tunnel I made for them right in line with the rest of the girls. Last night he followed them into their run and got confused when they all went into the coop. But I locked them all into their run that is secure from predators and uses 1/2" hardware cloth to keep things out, so he stayed in. He hid behind a little shelter I made for the chickens in the run, and the girls continued on into their coop. I let them all out first thing this morning and they were all together and happy. So, it looks like Bob is the newest member of my flock. My girls are vaccinated for everything under the sun so I'm not concerned with him giving them something. Regardless of what good old Bob may think, he is not a chicken... so I was wondering if anyone could give me some good ideas of what to set him up to sleep in and what I should feed him besides the shelled sunflower seeds that he seems to love. He has access to the chicken food but I haven't seen him eat it. He's welcome to stay as long as he wants. He's got to be safer than going off on his own, and if he continues to go in with the girls at night he will be safe from nighttime predators.
As long as there are places he can get in and out of the pens I would say no issues.

For a shelter small dog or cathode or a 5 gallon bucket with hole cut in kid on its side with hay or straw.

All states are different but many require permits for captive bobwhites. You may look into that just in case. But if he can come and go as he pleases shouldn't be an issue.
Those are some great suggestions thanks! I'm in Florida so I feel like a 5 gallon bucket might be like a sauna at night with just a small hole in it. Maybe I will drill a bunch of little holes for ventilation all over it. My chicken coop has a lot of windows and a fan so I'm big on keeping them cool and lots of ventilation. Also, I'm going to get a bunch of branches and put them high up on the walls of the run and add some moss and foliage so he can hide behind it while he's up there. Tonight he was trying to almost roost by holding on to the sides of the hardware cloth in a corner of the run. I thought he would have preferred the limbs and foliage I put on the ground. He is so funny I just want him to be comfortable. As for keeping him captive, with the exception of night time when the run door gets locked, he could certainly leave any time he pleases. But I don't force him in the run at night either, he goes on his own, so "technically" he's operating completely on his own free will right? :) As soon as the sun rises the girls get to come out of the run and Mr. Bob leaves then too.
Those are some great suggestions thanks! I'm in Florida so I feel like a 5 gallon bucket might be like a sauna at night with just a small hole in it. Maybe I will drill a bunch of little holes for ventilation all over it. My chicken coop has a lot of windows and a fan so I'm big on keeping them cool and lots of ventilation. Also, I'm going to get a bunch of branches and put them high up on the walls of the run and add some moss and foliage so he can hide behind it while he's up there. Tonight he was trying to almost roost by holding on to the sides of the hardware cloth in a corner of the run. I thought he would have preferred the limbs and foliage I put on the ground. He is so funny I just want him to be comfortable. As for keeping him captive, with the exception of night time when the run door gets locked, he could certainly leave any time he pleases. But I don't force him in the run at night either, he goes on his own, so "technically" he's operating completely on his own free will right? :) As soon as the sun rises the girls get to come out of the run and Mr. Bob leaves then too.

Hehehe I love this! I don't have experience with bobwhites but I *think* they like to roost at night so you're on the right track to getting him comfortable - so cool!

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