Braided rugs? anyone?


12 Years
May 18, 2007
My Grandmother taught me to braid eons ago. I have made some regular oval rugs over the years, but have not made any recently. I have been saving my wool as it has gotten so expensive and the local mills have gone out of business. I remembered my Grandmother making some with scraps of carpet for the center instead of all braided, so I check out a flooring store for discontinued samples.....jackpot! 100% wool carpet samples to use for the centers. This is a work in progress, it was going to be a Christmas gift...but I have a feeling it might never leave my house.


edited because I can't spell worth beans tonight. (and what to heck does that mean anyway?)
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I think I am going to have to make two of them before Christmas or guilt will set was going to be for Mom, but it is more my colors. It is even darker colored than the the colors that would have been in an old sitting parlor.
Did you make them with cotton fabric or something else? I had someone ask me yesterday to teach them how to braid, but the wool is ridiculously expensive. I'm thinking that denim might work.
Did you make them with cotton fabric or something else? I had someone ask me yesterday to teach them how to braid, but the wool is ridiculously expensive. I'm thinking that denim might work.

I use strips left over from quilting. (I've got bag of them, lol) Cut them about 1in to 2 inches wide at the most tops.

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