Brand of feed

Looks like the rules have been updated, as methionine is the most limiting amino acid, to allow methionine supplementation in organic poultry feeds. I'm still trying to find actual levels of methionine, but there is a methionine supplement in the Nature's Best ingredients.
I am having very good luck with the Purina starter on my Welsummers that were born in late April/early May. I have always found Purina to provide very good products. On cattle, if you get away from Purina, you are making a big mistake. Looks that way for chickens too. Also, I did a cost analysis on their Laying feeds. Regular Layena runs about 30 cents a pound. Add High Omega 3 and it bumps to 42 cents. Here is the crazy part and why I will NEVER go the organic route. The non-GMO organic stuff is 80 cents a pound. No thank you. I will run with the High Omega 3 as it does make a difference in the nutritional value of the eggs. If you desire to go organic, that is your choice. Mine is to not go that route.
I've been using Scratch & Peck with my chickens for a number of years now and have been very happy with it. They do sometimes pick and choose a little, but I have a pan under the PVC feeder that collects the crumbs and every so often I'll take that out and put it in a pan and mix it with water for them. I tried a pelleted feed with my previous flock (it was something organic, but don't remember the brand) and they didn't like it nearly as much as the Scratch & Peck.
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