One of my Black Australorps has gone broody, again. She wants to sit at least two times a year. Her mothering skills are phenomenal. She has had 3 clutches so far. The only issue is the cockerels. It is such a hassle to get ride of them. If she would only hatch females
lau) I would let her sit on and hatch her clutch.
I don't need pullets at the moment; so, I am breaking her. Here is how it is going thus far.
Day one - removed any an all eggs (including the fake ones) from under her the moment they were gathered/deposited. Nope.
Day two - removed any an all eggs (including the fake ones) from under her the moment they were gathered/deposited and sat with her in my lap with frozen peas at her belly. Nope. Stayed in lay box all night.
Day three (today): Got out broody breaker jail and set it up. Ice in the bottom half and only 1/4 inch hardware cloth to stand on (it is twisty-tied to a pen panel so it is sturdy. Food and water in with her, of course. I will keep her in this all day then let her out to range with the others before lock up time and see what she does. If she return to the lay box, then I will repeat today's plan, but for a full 24 hours.
We shall see how this goes. Wish me luck. I know it is only a matter of wills at this point.

I don't need pullets at the moment; so, I am breaking her. Here is how it is going thus far.
Day one - removed any an all eggs (including the fake ones) from under her the moment they were gathered/deposited. Nope.
Day two - removed any an all eggs (including the fake ones) from under her the moment they were gathered/deposited and sat with her in my lap with frozen peas at her belly. Nope. Stayed in lay box all night.
Day three (today): Got out broody breaker jail and set it up. Ice in the bottom half and only 1/4 inch hardware cloth to stand on (it is twisty-tied to a pen panel so it is sturdy. Food and water in with her, of course. I will keep her in this all day then let her out to range with the others before lock up time and see what she does. If she return to the lay box, then I will repeat today's plan, but for a full 24 hours.
We shall see how this goes. Wish me luck. I know it is only a matter of wills at this point.