Breed and gender?


In the Brooder
Sep 6, 2024

Leghorn? Roo or hen?
I have a sapphire gem and an americauna as well. I'm getting brown eggs but they're being fertalized so I gotta find the roo. My americauna I'm told is pullet and am pretty sure my sapphire gem is the layer. I'm so confused!
She looks like a white Plymouth Rock, but she almost looks like a Tetra Tint to me due to the color in her tail. Both are brown eggers. Your Sapphire Gem is a brown egger too, and your EE is a colored egger (green, blue, or pink eggs that are more of a cream color.) Does she have any white skin on her earlobe? Leghorns have big combs and big, white earlobes.
She looks like a white Plymouth Rock, but she almost looks like a Tetra Tint to me due to the color in her tail. Both are brown eggers. Your Sapphire Gem is a brown egger too, and your EE is a colored egger (green, blue, or pink eggs that are more of a cream color.) Does she have any white skin on her earlobe? Leghorns have big combs and big, white earlobes.
Would Amberlink sound correct? I forgot that name until now but I believe that's what I bought her as!
Would Amberlink sound correct? I forgot that name until now but I believe that's what I bought her as!
It does. They tend to have more color, but some can have less like yours does. That's probably what she is.
Amber link should have more color but it’s very possible she just an odd ball….they’re all lovely but me and my husband both instantly said Plymouth Rock but the tail is strange …. Either way very pretty birds!
Amber link should have more color but it’s very possible she just an odd ball….they’re all lovely but me and my husband both instantly said Plymouth Rock but the tail is strange …. Either way very pretty birds!
I kinda thought so as well lol. I could absolutely not remember what they had the tag as when I got her. But the tag definitely said amberlink! Pics don't do her creamy tan on her neck and tail any justice lol. She's just so light! And thank you sm!!

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