Breed? Gender? :) :)

any one have any ideas? breed and gender??
I'm pretty sure she only has 4 toes.... but she DOES NOT like to be touched. i try not to pick her up if i don't have to so i haven't actually counted them. and yes she does have feathered legs. :) i tried taking some more pictures with my camera this time so hopefully they look better. It turns out its not too easy to photograph a chicken! lol
can you post a few more pics, side, closer up....? Hard to tell from the pics, 5 toes, feathered legs?
It's a girl for sure by the feather color and pattern. If it were a boy, it would have black breast, lots red/orange on neck and back and a much blacker tail.

No idea as to breed though.. that's an unusual mix of type- feathered legs and what looks like rose comb and color. Possibly a mixed breed.
Thank you! I was sure hoping it was a girl. Already had to give one rooster away. :(
It's a girl for sure by the feather color and pattern.  If it were a boy, it would have black breast, lots red/orange on neck and back and a much blacker tail. 

No idea as to breed though.. that's an unusual mix of type- feathered legs and what looks like rose comb and color.  Possibly a mixed breed.

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