Breed Identification Please (oh and my introduction but that isn’t so important!)

Hoover's is incredibly frustrating as a hatchery because they mix many breeds and call them "rare" or "designer" and this makes them all incredibly hard to distinguish between because a mix is a mix and figuring out which is which is sometimes near impossible. That being said, I think you actually might have gotten a few non-mixes :)

1-Easter Egger (labeled by Hoover's as Americana which is incredibly misleading as it can be easily confused with the true Ameraucana breed)
2-Welsummer (could be an egger as well but matches breed enough)
3-Lavender Orpington
4-Midnight Majesty Marans (cross of Marans varieties that can also have clean legs unlike the French)
5/6-Cream Legbars (they theoretically could be Legbar-derived eggers but their variety is close enough to the breed that I lean actual Cream Legbar)
Hoover's is incredibly frustrating as a hatchery because they mix many breeds and call them "rare" or "designer" and this makes them all incredibly hard to distinguish between because a mix is a mix and figuring out which is which is sometimes near impossible. That being said, I think you actually might have gotten a few non-mixes :)

1-Easter Egger (labeled by Hoover's as Americana which is incredibly misleading as it can be easily confused with the true Ameraucana breed)
2-Welsummer (could be an egger as well but matches breed enough)
3-Lavender Orpington
4-Midnight Majesty Marans (cross of Marans varieties that can also have clean legs unlike the French)
5/6-Cream Legbars (they theoretically could be Legbar-derived eggers but their variety is close enough to the breed that I lean actual Cream Legbar)
Thank you! I appreciate your response!
I would love some blue eggs…someday! When did yours start laying?
Ya know, I don't really remember! 🤔 I'm not so good at keeping records like that! Off the top of my head, I'm going to say, about 5 months. I got them about the beginning of April and I think I got some eggs around the end of August, beginning of September, about the time the 2-yo's started to molt. But of course everybody quit when the days got so short at the end of November. Right about then I added supplemental light and production started up again in mid-January though.

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