Breed identification requested

I wondered about the possibility of that considering her size and shape. I'm more of a rookie when it comes to the vast majority of chicken breeds. Our very small flock consists of 2 Swedish flower hens , 2 Orpington hens, and a medium-sized turd of a roo (breed unknown). I'm hesitant to add chickens to our established flock that would be more prone to aggressive behavior, or am I making an unfair assumption that just because they're gamefowl mutts that they'll be more likely to be pissers?
Are you capable of offing the extra males?
Gasp! Nope, I'm too much of a candy-ass for that. I'm soooo glad I came to y'all for advice. I'm gonna have to pass on these and hold out for the breeds I know and am much more familiar with. Thanks for the eye-opener.
Please don't rush when it comes to getting chicks ever.
I'm so glad you came here before you made your decision.

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