Breeding Projects- Let's see Everyone's Silkie and Easter Egger Projects Please 🥰


Apr 7, 2022
I am not far enough into my breeding projects to really show anything yet (still growing out foundation stock and they are babies at this time.....)

But I was thinking that looking at other projects creations could be super fun!
Mostly interested in seeing what people have been able to do regarding silkies and silkie crosses. As well as if anyone has been successful in creating Easter eggers with a big crest, big muffs, and a nice beard?

Personally I am considering working on a few different color projects with my silkies but I haven't landed on any hard decisions just yet regarding which direction to take my program. Also considering creating a line of birds that are very Ameraucana like but also have big crest. Just something I'm thinking about. Maybe something like the crest on a tolbunt polish ? Not sure yet. I do have mottled Houdans here though and silkies....

For the silkies I am planning on doing some paint lines and working with partridge and a mille fleur project.

I have silkied Cochins that I plan to work with on a project as well.

Anyways - would love to see what everyone else has been working on and their accomplishments concerning project pens 😊
I'm getting an ayam cemani rooster so I plan to cross him to EE/ameraucana to make fibro Easter eggers. I'm also just trying to get EE genes back into my mixed bred flock. I also want to make zombie chickens (white feathered chickens with black skin)
I actually have a "zombie" rooster that was gifted to me. He appears to be silkie and maybe Cochin but honestly I'm not sure. He is paint colored with black skin though. Do you have pictures of what you're going for with the fibro Easter eggers?

Wow- that is a very interesting looking bird. Intense, definitely. I like it 🥰
I wont get any like that, though. I only have Blue and black ameraucanas at the moment, which means the fibro eggers would be those colors. I have some EE/OE eggs in the incubator right now and they would be ready to breed next year, they should be some neat colors to mix with an ayam. Do you have a pic of your zombie"
I wont get any like that, though. I only have Blue and black ameraucanas at the moment, which means the fibro eggers would be those colors. I have some EE/OE eggs in the incubator right now and they would be ready to breed next year, they should be some neat colors to mix with an ayam. Do you have a pic of your zombie"
I don't but I can take one tomorrow and post it 🥰 I also have some EEs in my bator right now. They are intended for a project I'm starting to create my own line of Ermine Ameraucana's. Of course they will be ermine EEs for a while but I intend to breed back out the traits that aren't right so I end up with a line that breeds true. Also have some CCL eggs in there and when that hens eggs are true to the roo she is with now, those will hopefully be my Speckled olive eggers! I have her paired with a very nice Welsummer rooster, but she was with a CCL roo prior to him. Also have a bunch of bantam Cochins cooking. They were a gift from a friend and will be the first group to hatch. I did a staggered hatch for the first time and don't plan to do a lock down. We will see how it goes. I'm planning on taking them as they hatch from the incubator and putting them in my other incubator. I've spoken to several people who practice this already so I decided to give it a try. A little nervous. Also trying the shoestring method with humidity. We will see. I'm in Tennessee so I we have pretty high ambient humidity already. But I am having mixed results with previous hatches so I'm trying some new methods. Also very interested in building a DIY cabinet incubator. I saw a guy on YouTube that hatches quail and sells a kit to build an incubator yourself and have been thinking about trying it. From what I've read the forced air incubators vs the still air ones have better hatch rates? Also have an old fridge that doesn't work that I've considered trying to up cycle into an incubator/Hatcher

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