

In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2024
Hey y'all, we've recently decided to start raising quails and I was wondering what qualities can be bred. For Instance, if I put my bigger females with my bigger male will they produce bigger offspring. What about qualities such as being docile or aggressive. I have a male who's quite a scallywag and I don't want more like him. Or does it just come down to colors and everything else is get what you get?
So far it's been two weeks and we only got two eggs the first night,one of which was broken. Could anyone offer me tips on how long it takes them to start laying again after being moved. I swapped them to an egg laying food yesterday so I'm hoping they start laying soon. Also I vented them and separated them into smaller groups bc I did have more males than we wanted. So I put four females with one male and looking to see how that goes. I put them some wood shavings but they threw it all out of their boxes... Do any of y'all put straw or hay? Do they need bedding kinda like chickens?
Thank y'all In Adavance...
Temperament and size are genetic along with celadon blue eggs and feather color. Rearranging social groups, moving cages, or major stress can suppress egg production for a week or two. Young birds can start laying at 5 weeks, it takes a few weeks (and a good diet) to get the kinks out of the system (double yolks, soft shells, small eggs) but they should lay almost daily with 14 hours of light and non-frigid temps in a few weeks. You can bed with sand, shavings, or go bare wire or almost anything (just make sure it isn’t toxic or will bind them up: clumping cat litter or cedar). They make a mess whatever you use and bathe on it and throw it out. I used sand outside (scoop poop daily!) and pine shavings in the garage.

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